Lisle Gibbs

gibbsProfessor, Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
Director, Ohio Biodiversity Conservation Partnership

Areas of Expertise:
Conservation Genetics



OBCP Projects:
Conservation Genetic Approaches to Conserving State-listed Wildlife Species
Statewide Bat and Pollinator Conservation


Gibbs, H.L. and J.E. Chiucchi. 2012. Inbreeding, body condition, and heterozygosity-fitness correlations in isolated populations of the endangered eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus c. catenatus). Conservation Genetics 13: 1133 – 1143. [PDF]

Greenwald, K.R. and H.L. Gibbs. 2012. A single nucleotide polymorphism assay for the identification of polyploid unisexual Ambystoma Salamanders. Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 354-362. [PDF]

Chiucchi, J. E. and H. L. Gibbs. 2010. Similarity of contemporary and historical gene flow among highly fragmented populations of an endangered rattlesnake. Molecular Ecology 19: 5345-58. [PDF]