Analogue Game Design


Create a game concept document based off of the Narrative Style project. Include a story, basic mechanics, goals, conflicts, and visuals as well as the technology that would be used within the game, it is only a concept, but the game must be entirely analogue, no digital aspects.



Horror, chance, unfairness, and game design.

Final Game Design Document (compressed to fit into u.osu sites)

Having the game visually reflect the Romanesque-horror art style I created in the previous project was relatively easy as I had gotten good at creating art that way. The difficult part of this project for me was the balancing mechanic and how to reflect themes of unfairness, fate, and hopelessness into a game that you could play (and as a side effect, have it be fun and enjoyable). I found inspiration from other “permadeath rogue-like” games, where matches are quick and progress is gained quickly but matches can just as easily be completely taken away, ending the game. I wanted to create a kind of quick-to-start quick-to-end game. The mechanic aspect comes in picking your starting character (all of which have different starting stats), and trying to survive seven rounds of increasing card drawings (one card on round one, two cards on round two, three on three, and so on) by reacting accordingly, either picking one of two options or strategically collecting items to save you later in the game. Winning the game was mostly up to chance and how you handle your resources, but any character and any shuffle of the deck would never result in a guaranteed loss.

Progress Posts – Analogue Game Design – 2330 – Project Three

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