Soil Testing Program

Autumn is one of the better times to collect a soil sample and get it sent to the lab.  The Extension Office is just one of many resources to help get this done.  We have soil test kits ready at the office available for $12 which will covers your lab fee.

Stop by to pick up test kits between 8:00am and 12:30 pm or 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.  



Resources to help include:

Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

Interpreting a Soil Test Report

Fertility Management of Meadows

Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

Soil Acidity and Liming for Agronomic Production

Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio

Lunch and Learn Series, starts January 19

Join us for lunch on January 19 at the Rural Services Building, 12:00 PM, to discuss soil tests and liming for crop management.  Pizza and Pop are provided.  We will host Greg LaBarge, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems, as our guest speaker.

This is the first of a series of three lunch meetings focused on agronomic production:


Master Gardener Volunteer Class Applications Due December 15

Zanesville, OH–OSU Extension Muskingum County will offer a Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class in 2024. The basic premise of the Master Gardener Volunteer program is to provide training in horticulture to interested volunteers in exchange for 50 hours of horticulture service back to the community. Training will begin on February 15, 2024, from 1:00 to 4:30 pm with conventional classroom instruction.  Program cost is $125.  Applications will be available online at or at the Muskingum County Extension Office, 225 Underwood St, Zanesville.  Applications are due Dec 15.

Muskingum and Coshocton Agronomy Dinner January 22

OSU Extension Muskingum and Coshocton County will host an Agronomy Dinner on Monday, January 22, 2024.  Join us for a fine meal at Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center for agronomic updates for the 2024 cropping year.  Guest Stephanie Karhoff, Agronomic Systems Fields Specialist, will discuss field crop agronomic challenges for the upcoming field season and Bruce Clevenger, Farm Management Specialist, will provide a budgeting and marketing outlook for 2024.  Pre-registration is required and can be made online at or by RSVP to the OSU Extension Muskingum County Extension Office, 225 Underwood St, Zanesville, OH.  Event cost is $20 per person.  Doors open at 5:30 PM with opening remarks at 5:50pm and dinner will be served at 6:00PM. The host facility for this event is Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center, 5880 Friendly Hills Road, Zanesville, OH.  Contact Clifton Martin, OSU Extension Muskingum County, at 740-454-0144 or Chris Allen, OSU Extension Coshocton County, 740-622-2265. Certified Crop Advisor CEU’s will be available.



Monday, January 22, 2024
5:30 PM

Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center
5880 Friendly Hills Road, Zanesville, OH

$20 per person

RSVP by January 17, 2024

Guest Speakers:
Stephanie Karhoff
Stephanie is an Agronomic Field Systems Specialist with Ohio State Extension and will speak on Field Crop Agronomy Challenges in 2024.

Bruce Clevenger
Bruce is Farm Management Specialist with OSU Extension and will speak about Field Crop Budgeting and Marketing Outlooks for 2024.

5:30 PM Registration
5:50 PM Welcome and Announcements
6:00 PM Dinner (buffet)
6:30 PM Guest Speakers
8:15 PM Wrap up & Adjourn

Chicken, pork, potatoes, green beans, salad

Contact information:
Clifton Martin, Extension Educator, Muskingum County

Chris Allen, Extension Educator, Coshocton County

New Master Gardener Volunteer Class Starts February 15

Zanesville, OH–OSU Extension Muskingum County will offer a Master Gardener Volunteer Training Class in 2024. The basic premise of the Master Gardener Volunteer program is to provide training in horticulture to interested volunteers in exchange for 50 hours of horticulture service back to the community. Training will begin on February 15, 2024, from 1:00 to 4:30 pm with conventional classroom instruction.  Program cost is $125.  Applications will be available online at or at the Muskingum County Extension Office, 225 Underwood St, Zanesville.  Applications are due Dec 15.

You may download an application here.


It’s a great time to take a soil test…

Autumn is one of the better times to collect a soil sample and get it sent to the lab.  The Extension Office is just one of many resources to help get this done.  We have soil test kits ready at the office available for $9.

We loan soil core probes for a $10 deposit, returned on receipt of the tool back to the office.

Resources to help include:

Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

Interpreting a Soil Test Report

Fertility Management of Meadows

Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

Soil Acidity and Liming for Agronomic Production

Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio

Using the Corn Nitrogen Rate Calculator

Throughout this winter meeting season, fertilizer has been a hot topic. Generally, the discussion has been around nitrogen price and availability. Most of us have little to no influence on price or availability, but as a farmer, you decide your corn (and wheat) nitrogen rates, assuming you can get the nitrogen product you want. Your corn nitrogen rate could likely cost $100 per acre more in 2022 as compared to the year prior and nitrogen will probably surpass seed as the most expensive variable cost per acre this year.

Read more from this article from the C.O.R.N newsletter at this link

Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training and Testing Option

Fertilizer applicator certification began in 2014. The agricultural fertilizer applicator certificate is required by the Ohio Department of Agriculture when you apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production. Agricultural production is defined as grain, forage, and other cash crops grown primarily for sale. Both horticultural and agronomic crops are included under this law. There is no distinction between commercial and private fertilizer applicators: both certify or recertify in an identical way…Read the full article here.

Virtual Training Option

A virtual training is scheduled for March 31, 2022, from 9-12:15. Information and registration on the webinar is at

Testing Option

Find details here.

Extension News Highlights

Meeting Nutritional Needs with Grazed Corn Fodder | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter
Environmental Assessment of Winter-Feeding Areas | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter
Confessions of a Cattleman; Lessons learned in the chicken house! | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter
Maximizing Carcass Value Through Weaning Management and Stress Reduction | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter
Low Vomitoxin Levels in Corn but Rain and Delayed Harvest Could Change this Picture | Agronomic Crops Network
Still a Big Window for Fall Herbicide Treatments | Agronomic Crops Network
Collect Fall Soil Samples for SCN | Agronomic Crops Network
Fall Soil Fertility Sampling | Agronomic Crops Network
Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Preparation | Agronomic Crops Network
The Ag Law Harvest | Farm Office
U.S. House Agriculture Committee advances Cattle Contract Library and 4 other bills | Farm Office
Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates In Ohio – Will Strong Markets Continue? | Ohio Ag Manager
USDA October Dairy Outlook Report | Ohio Ag Manager
Questions about the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Model of Direct Marketing? Attend a Virtual Mini-Conference October 25, 2021 | Ohio Ag Manager

It’s a great time to take a soil test…

Autumn is one of the better times to collect a soil sample and get it sent to the lab.  The Extension Office is just one of many resources to help get this done.  We have soil test kits ready at the office available for $9.

Resources to help out include:

Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

Interpreting a Soil Test Report

Fertility Management of Meadows

Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

Soil Acidity and Liming for Agronomic Production

Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio