Planning for the Future of Your Farm Workshops

OSU Extension will be hosting a virtual four part “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” webinar series on February 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This workshop is designed to help farm families learn strategies and tools to successfully create a succession and estate plan that helps you transfer your farm’s ownership, management, and assets to the next generation.

Topics discussed during this series include: Developing Goals for Estate and Succession; Planning for the Transition of Management; Planning for the Unexpected; Communication and Conflict Management during Farm Transfer; Legal Tools and Strategies; Developing Your Team; Getting Your Affairs in Order; and Selecting an Attorney.

The instructors for this series will be:
Robert Moore, Attorney with the OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program. Prior to joining OSU, Robert was in private practice for 18 years where he provided legal counsel to farmers and landowners.
David Marrison, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Farm Management. David has worked for OSU Extension for 26 year and is nationally known for his teaching in farm succession. He has a unique ability to intertwine humor into speaking about the difficulties of passing the farm on to the next generation.

Because of its virtual nature, you can invite your parents, children, and/or grandchildren (regardless of where they live in Ohio or across the United States) to join you as you develop a plan for the future of your family farm. Pre registration is required so that one packet of program materials can be mailed in advance to participating families. Electronic copies of the course materials will also be available to all participants. The registration fee is $75 per farm family. The registration deadline is January 22, 2024. More information and on-line registration can be obtained at

Contact information: David Marrison, 740-722-6073 or

Ohio’s Beginning Farmer Income Tax Credits

The idea to use income tax incentives to help Ohio’s beginning farmers gain access to agricultural assets has floated around the Ohio General Assembly for several years. That idea became a reality when Ohio’s Beginning Farmer Bill, House Bill 95, became effective on July 18, 2022. A bi-partisan effort by Rep. Susan Manchester (R-Waynesfield) and Rep. Mary Lightbody (D-Columbus), the law is now in the hands of the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), who is charged with implementing its provisions. ODA expects the new program to be available in 2023.

More details in Ohio Beef News at: Ohio’s Beginning Farmer Income Tax Credits | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter (

Farm Office Live

Farm Office Live provides the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis and other issues dealt with in your farm office. Targeted to farmers and agri-business stakeholders, our specialists digest the latest news and information and present it in an easy-to-understand format.

More info at Farm Office Live | Farm Office (

Regional Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting to be held in Zanesville on Feb 14

Join OSU Extension in Muskingum County for the 2022 regional Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting. This school will focus on topics of farm inputs, rent, real estate, agricultural law, grain marketing, and 2023 Farm Bill.  Featured speakers include Barry Ward, Peggy Hall, Matt Roberts and Carl Zulauf.  This program is made possible with support from the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association. Growers and producers from around the region are encouraged to attend.

Date and time: Monday, February 14, 2020, 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Location: Muskingum County Conference and Welcome Center, 205 N. 5th St, Zanesville, OH

PRE-Registration is required, and the fee is $20 per person. The registration deadline is Wednesday, February 9, 2022. Online registration is available at  Contact the Muskingum County Extension office at 740-454-0144 or with questions.

Farm Office Live Winter Edition

“Farm Office Live” returns virtually this winter as an opportunity for you to get the latest outlook and updates on ag law, farm management, ag economics, farm business analysis and other related issues from faculty and educators with the College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.

Each Farm Office Live will start off with presentations on select ag law and farm management topics from our experts and then we’ll open it up for questions from attendees on other topics of interest.  Viewers can attend “Farm Office Live” online each month on Wednesday evening or Friday morning, or can catch a recording of each program.

View the full slate of offerings here

Direct link to registration

Previous Farm Office Live Recordings