Ohio State Extension invites you to the 2021 Small Ruminant Webinar Series! The information provided will be applicable to both sheep and goat producers large and small. Register online for no cost at:
Webinar One- Lambing and Kidding: 90 minutes Tuesday, January 19th | 7 p.m.
Members of the OSU Sheep Team will cover preparing for lambing/kidding season, ewe/doe and lamb/kid care before, during, after birth, managing dystocia, troubleshooting and addressing health concerns, colostrum, bottle feeding, creep feeding, castrating, tail docking, vaccinations, and allow time for Q&A.
Webinar Two- Small Ruminant Nutrition: 90 minutes Tuesday, February 16th | 7 p.m.
We will address the importance of providing adequate protein, carbohydrates, and minerals in the forms of processed grains, hay, grazed pasture, minerals, and supplements to your flock/herd. Q&A included.
Webinar Three- Weaning, Sorting, and Selling- Lambs, Kids, and Spent Breeding Stock: 90 minutes Tuesday, March 16th | 7 p.m.
We will offer strategies for weaning lambs/kids and preparing them for joining the breeding flock or entering the meat processing chain. Also included will be examples of marketing strategies and determining what to do with ewes/does and rams/bucks that are no longer meeting breeding needs of the flock/herd.