February 26, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
2025: High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery, Session 2
Register at https://go.osu.edu/beefschool25
Beef Quality Assurance January 30
Are you selling beef animals to be harvested for meat and need to update your Beef Quality Assurance Certification?
The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assurance is a program to ensure that beef and dairy cattle are maintained in a manner which will result in a safe and wholesome beef product for the consumer. The Ohio BQA program is set to meet or exceed the NCBA BQA Guidelines.
Two events are scheduled:
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Thursday, March 19, 2024
Program starts at 7:00 PM
Location: Muskingum Livestock Auction
No cost, no RSVP needed.
Attending this session will allow you to obtain the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance certificate or renew your existing certificate. Certificates are good for three years.
An FAQ about the BQA program is available at: go.osu.edu/bqa
Forages For Horses Webinar Series Starts Aug 30
Beginning August 30, 2023, Ohio State University Extension will be offering Forages for Horses- a virtual course for equine managers. The course will utilize a combination of live webinars on Zoom with equine and forage experts, along with an in-depth online course accessed through the platform Scarlet Canvas. The Forages for Horses program is a collaboration between Ohio State University Extension, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ohio Department of Agriculture, and the Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council.
Each webinar will be offered live on Zoom at 7 P.M. and feature presentations in a 60-minute span. Attendees will be able to interact with the speakers and ask questions in real-time. Once registered, attendees will be granted access to the full online course including the live-webinars, webinar recordings, and complementary resources, which includes a digital copy of the full class manual. Participants that attend all four webinars will have the opportunity to earn a certificate of completion.
The webinar schedule and topics are as follows.
· Wednesday, August 30th- Hay Day
· Wednesday, September 13th- Maximizing Pasture
· Wednesday, September 27th- Grazing for Health-Pasture Myth Busters
· Wednesday, October 11th- Heavy Stocking Rates & Associated Issues
“Straight from the Horse’s Mouth” a Q&A session with experts will follow each webinar until 8:30 PM.
The Forages for Horses course utilizes Scarlet Canvas (which is OSU’s platform for online learning) to house additional videos, presentations, articles, and digital access to the traditional course manual. For best performance, Canvas should be used on the current or first previous major release of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser.
Cost of the course is $75. Registration includes access to all online content through August 30, 2024. Current and new members of the Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council are eligible for a $15 discount on registration. You may still register after the live webinars have occurred. Register for the course by visiting https://go.osu.edu/foragesforhorsesregistration.
Questions about the course or the OFGC member discount code can be directed to Christine Gelley of Noble County OSU Extension at gelley.2@osu.edu.
Stockmanship and Stewardship Tour September 29 & 30
Join us in Caldwell, Ohio! This unique Stockmanship and Stewardship event is focused on live low-stress cattle handling demonstrations, Beef Quality Assurance training, and industry updates you won’t find anywhere else this event is not one to miss. Gain an edge on learning about consumer concerns regarding beef sustainability and livestock welfare, how those concerns have impacted the industry, and the role that Beef Quality Assurance plays in the conversation. Producers who attend not only receive hands-on training in best management practices to help improve their operation, but also the chance to get BQA certified!
Hay Day July 14
Southeastern Ohio Hay Day: SAVE THE DATE- Southeastern Ohio Hay Day is returning for 2023 on July 14! This field day will offer demonstrations of hay harvesting equipment, tradeshow exhibits, educational presentations, lunch, and door prizes. Admission is free and open to the public. For accommodation purposes, registration is appreciated by July 11, but walk-ins are also welcome. We look forward to welcoming you to the Eastern Agricultural Research Station on Friday, July 14, 2023. Registration- 9 a.m., Program Content- 10 a.m., Conclusion- 4 p.m.
Registration Info Coming Soon
Draft Agenda: Southeastern Ohio Hay Day 2023 | Noble County Agriculture & Natural Resources (osu.edu)
ODA Free Farm Pesticide Disposal Collection Event Will Be at the Morgan County Fairgrounds August 9
August 9, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.: Morgan County, Morgan County Fairgrounds
2760 South Riverside Drive, McConnelsville, Ohio 43756
The pesticide collection and disposal services are free of charge, but only farm chemicals will be accepted. Paint, antifreeze, solvents and household or non-farm pesticides will not be accepted.
The pesticide collections are sponsored by ODA in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. To pre-register, or for more information, contact the Ohio Department of Agriculture at 614-728-6987.
Over-the-Counter Antibiotics Will Require Veterinary Oversight (Rx) Beginning in June of 2023
By June of 2023, all medically important antibiotics currently available at most feed or farm supply stores will now require veterinary oversight (written Rx) to be used in animals, even if the animals are not intended for food production. Examples of affected antibiotics include injectable penicillin and oxytetracycline. In addition, some retail suppliers who were able to sell these drugs/products in the past may no longer sell them after June of 2023. This means that small and large animal veterinarians should be prepared for an increase in calls and visits from animal owners who previously may have purchased these drugs over the counter at their local farm supply store. To continue using medically important antimicrobials, you may need to establish a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR). Consult your veterinarian for more information.
This content appeared in Ohio Beef News on February 15, 2023. You can read the entire article here.
Recordings from the 2023 Ohio Beef Cattle School
The OSU Beef Team Virtual Beef school was held Wednesday evenings starting in January. Information and recordings from this program are below.
(This info original posted at: 2023 Ohio Beef School | OSU Extension BEEF TEAM)
- January 11; A Look at Input Costs with Barry Ward, OSU Extension Leader for Production Business Management and Market Outlook with Garth Ruff, OSU Extension Beef Field Specialist (view the recording here)
- February 8; Presynchronization and Improving Fertility of Beef Cows (click link to see presentation) with Alex Crist, OSU Animal Sciences and Synchronization and Natural Service (click here to see presentation) with Dean Kreager, OSU Extension Educator
- March 8; Asian Longhorn Tick and Theileria (click here to see presentation) with Dr. Risa Pesepane, OSU Vet Preventative Medicine and Managing Anaplasmosis (click here to see presentation) with Dr. Justin Kieffer DVM, OSU Animal Sciences. Dr. Kieffer also explained what the Veterinary oversight of OTC antibiotics would mean to cattlemen, and what the meaning of VCPR is.
- April 12; OSU Beef Team Live Roundtable, Q & A session with OSU Extension Beef Team members. (click here to see recorded presentation)
Beef Quality Assurance January 31
Are you selling beef animals to be harvested for meat and need to update your Beef Quality Assurance Certification?
The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assurance is a program to ensure that beef and dairy cattle are maintained in a manner which will result in a safe and wholesome beef product for the consumer. The Ohio BQA program is set to meet or exceed the NCBA BQA Guidelines.
Attending this session will allow you to obtain the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance certificate or renew your existing certificate. Certificates are good for three years.
Two sessions for certification will be available this winter and held at Muskingum Livestock Auction:
January 31, 2023 7:00 PM
March 23, 2023 7:00 PM
An FAQ about the BQA program is available at: go.osu.edu/bqa
Small Farm Ruminant Production Field Day
Have a small herd of beef cattle, goats, or a flock of sheep? Are you a new or beginning ruminant livestock producer? If yes to either of these questions, this program is for you!
Join OSU Extension educators and state specialists for an all-day workshop covering topics every ruminant livestock producer needs to know from grazing and nutrition, livestock marketing, facilities and housing. This event is slated to be held on Saturday, October 8th from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at the OSU ATI Beef Center located at 2736 S. Apple Creek Road, Apple Creek, Ohio 44606. After lunch, those who have an interest in sheep or goats will depart to the Small Ruminant Research Unit located on Fredericksburg Road (5651 Fredericksburg Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691), while those focused on beef cattle will remain at the ATI Beef Center.
Afternoon training sessions will be species-specific that include hands-on training in animal care and handling, basic animal health, livestock evaluation, and much more.
Cost: $30 per person lunch Included.
Limited to first 40 Registrations.
Register at https://go.osu.edu/smallfarmruminantfieldday