More news from around OSU Extension

Scout now for cressleaf groundsel in hayfields, or pay the price in May | Agronomic Crops Network

Using Soil Tests Phosphorus Results to Identify Agronomic and Conservation Needs | Agronomic Crops Network

Wheat Management for Fall 2020 | Agronomic Crops Network

Lessons Learned by a Cattleman in 2020 | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter

Transportation Shrink in Beef Cattle | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter

Innovative State Approaches to Hemp Regulations under the 2018 Farm Bill | Farm Office

Noxious weeds on your property: what is your responsibility? | Farm Office

Cropland values and cash rents for Western Ohio: survey results are in | Farm Office

Ask the Expert Sessions to Be Held Live During 2020 Farm Science Review | Ohio Ag Manager

Enterprise Budgets: Sheep and Goat Farm Management | OSU Sheep Team

Reproductive Management of the Ewe Flock and the Ram | OSU Sheep Team

Leasing, Custom Rates, and Cash Rents

This is one time of year when questions start coming in about leasing, custom rates, and cash rents.  The Extension office is often a source that land owners and producers check.  However, we really do not have a crystal ball to look in nor do we actually have the entire scoop on what all of the going rates are.  But here is what we do have up our sleeve to get you started if you are trying to make sense of some arrangements.  Some numbers here will make sense and some will make you scratch your head, as each production arrangement is different.  There are many ways to arrive at a rental agreement and these are only one way down that path.

Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2016

Establishing a Fair Pasture Rental Rate

Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents

USDA County Estimates (Ohio Cash Rent County Estimates 2016)

Aglease 101

Protecting Interests in a Verbal Farm Lease Situation