Farmer and Farmland Owner Income Tax Webinar

Are you a farmer or farmland owner wanting to learn more about the recent tax law issues? If so, join us for this webinar on Friday, December 15th, 2023 from 10am to noon. This webinar is a part of our Farm Office Live Series and serves as our Farm Office Live! Webinar for December. To register for this webinar go to:

This webinar will focus on issues related to farmer and farmland owner income tax returns as well as the latest news on CAUV and property taxes in Ohio and the big changes to the Ohio Commercial Activity Tax (CAT). This two-hour program will be presented in a live webinar format via Zoom by OSU Extension Educators Barry Ward, David Marrison and Jeff Lewis along with Purdue faculty member Dr. Michael Langemeier. Individuals who operate farms, own property, or are involved with renting farmland should participate.

Topics to be discussed during this webinar include (subject to change based on tax law change):

  • Economic Outlook

  • Depreciation Update

  • Employee vs. Independent Contractor

  • Corporate Transparency Act/Beneficial Owners Information Reporting

  • 1099-K Changes

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts

  • Basis Allocation Land Acquisition – Allocating Basis to Residual Fertility for Future Deductions

  • Defining Farm Income to Avoid Paying Estimated Tax

  • Keeping an Eye Forward on Estate/Gift Tax Limitation

  • Reminder – Keeping an Eye on Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Provisions Sunsetting After 2025 Tax Year

  • Ohio Tax Update (CAUV/Property Tax Update, CAT Changes, Beginning Farmer Tax Credit, Ohio Tax Law Interpretation – Ohio Supreme Court Issues New Ruling)

  • Indiana Tax Update

To register:

For more information, contact Barry Ward at or Jeff Lewis at

Pesticide Applicator Exam Training January 18, 2024

A pesticide applicator exam training session will be offered on January 18, 2023, 6:00 PM, at the Rural Services Building. In order to obtain a Private Pesticide Applicator License, individuals must pass the exam which is administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.  Those who wish to use Restricted Use Products (ODA List) must acquire an applicators license to purchase and apply product. This training is intended to provide an overview of the concepts presented in the exam as preparation.  To register for this training session please email or call 740-454-0144.


Following this training session, the Ohio Department of Agriculture will be present at the Rural Services Building to administer the exam on:

January 25, 20234, 10:00 AM

(Exam registration at the ODA Website)

Or, call ODA at 614-728-6270 for more exam information

Muskingum and Coshocton Agronomy Dinner January 22

OSU Extension Muskingum and Coshocton County will host an Agronomy Dinner on Monday, January 22, 2024.  Join us for a fine meal at Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center for agronomic updates for the 2024 cropping year.  Guest Stephanie Karhoff, Agronomic Systems Fields Specialist, will discuss field crop agronomic challenges for the upcoming field season and Bruce Clevenger, Farm Management Specialist, will provide a budgeting and marketing outlook for 2024.  Pre-registration is required and can be made online at or by RSVP to the OSU Extension Muskingum County Extension Office, 225 Underwood St, Zanesville, OH.  Event cost is $20 per person.  Doors open at 5:30 PM with opening remarks at 5:50pm and dinner will be served at 6:00PM. The host facility for this event is Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center, 5880 Friendly Hills Road, Zanesville, OH.  Contact Clifton Martin, OSU Extension Muskingum County, at 740-454-0144 or Chris Allen, OSU Extension Coshocton County, 740-622-2265. Certified Crop Advisor CEU’s will be available.



Monday, January 22, 2024
5:30 PM

Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center
5880 Friendly Hills Road, Zanesville, OH

$20 per person

RSVP by January 17, 2024

Guest Speakers:
Stephanie Karhoff
Stephanie is an Agronomic Field Systems Specialist with Ohio State Extension and will speak on Field Crop Agronomy Challenges in 2024.

Bruce Clevenger
Bruce is Farm Management Specialist with OSU Extension and will speak about Field Crop Budgeting and Marketing Outlooks for 2024.

5:30 PM Registration
5:50 PM Welcome and Announcements
6:00 PM Dinner (buffet)
6:30 PM Guest Speakers
8:15 PM Wrap up & Adjourn

Chicken, pork, potatoes, green beans, salad

Contact information:
Clifton Martin, Extension Educator, Muskingum County

Chris Allen, Extension Educator, Coshocton County

Updates from around OSU Extension

Harvest Delays – Light vs. Temperature | Agronomic Crops Network 

Harvest Complete? It’s Time To Assess SCN Levels In Your Fields! | Agronomic Crops Network 

2023 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials: Results For All Trial Locations | Agronomic Crops Network 

Presynchronization and Improving Fertility of Beef Cows | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Why is This Time Different? | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

The Cost of Money | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Time to Plan a Winter Feeding Program | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Living on a Few Acres: Sheep and Goat Production | OSU Sheep Team 

Lambing and Kidding Assistance | OSU Sheep Team 

An Environmental Law Harvest | Farm Office 

New law limits who can own agricultural land in Ohio | Farm Office 

New Publication Discusses Wills and Trusts | Farm Office 

Announcing our “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” Fall and Winter Workshops | Farm Office 

2024 Ohio State Organic Grains Conference

The 2nd annual Ohio State Organic Grains Conference will be January 4-5, 2024 at the Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center in Oregon, Ohio. This event is brought to you by Ohio State University Extension and the OFFER program.

Featured presenters for this year will include Klaas Martens of Lakeview Organic Grain in New York, Steve Culman from Washington State University (formerly Ohio State), Léa Vereecke from Rodale Institute, and Eugene Law from USDA-Agricultural Research Services. We’ll again feature a trade show with venders who offer relevent goods and services; a farmer roundtable lunch; and farmer panels on topics like weed control strategies, technology, and biological products. Our 2024 line-up includes Ohio State educators and researchers with an interest in organic production, including corn and emerging crop specialist Osler Ortez; associate professor in soils and agronomy Ryan Haden; farm management field specialist Eric Richer, and manure nutrient management field specialist Glen Arnold, plus research updates on kernza and crop-livestock integration.

Attend a day early and be part of the Organic Farmer Researcher Network dinner and brainstorming session. We invite farmers, researchers, and educators to gather together on the evening of January 3 for a meal and small group work to develop specific research projects. Use this opportunity to gather feedback and ideas for an individual trial you are planning for your farm, gather partners for a multi-farm project, or help lead university research proposals. A limited number of $100 travel stipends are available to defray additional travel costs for this pre-conference event.


Pesticide Applicator Exam Training Session January 18, 2024

A pesticide applicator exam training session will be offered on January 18, 2023, 6:00 PM, at the Rural Services Building. In order to obtain a Private Pesticide Applicator License, individuals must pass the exam which is administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Those who wish to use Restricted Use Products (ODA List) must acquire an applicators license to purchase and apply product. This training is intended to provide an overview of the concepts presented in the exam as preparation. To register for this exam training session please email or call 740-454-0144.

Learn more about the Ohio Private Applicator license at this link.

Following this training session, the Ohio Department of Agriculture will be present at the Rural Services Building to administer the exam on:

January 25, 2024, 10:00 AM (Exam registration at the ODA Website)


Corn Dry Down

Cooler than normal temperatures and wetter than normal precipitation can impact corn drydown (figure 2). Once corn reaches physiological maturity (when kernels have obtained maximum dry weight and black layer is formed), it will dry approximately 0.75 to 1% per day during favorable drying weather (sunny and breezy) during the earlier part of the harvest season (from mid‑September to late September). By early to mid‑October, dry-down rates usually drop to 0.5 to 0.75% per day. Between late October to early November, field dry‑down rates drop to 0.25 to 0.5% per day. Finally, by mid November, drydown rate is stimated at about 0 to 0.25% per day. The later it gets, drying rates go lower and at times drying can be negligible.

An excerpt from: Ohio Crop Progress: Precipitation, Cool Weather, and Corn Dry Down


Extension News Headlines

Making the Most of Your Fall Grazing | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Grazing Corn Residue, a Feed Alternative! | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Dry Weather? Don’t graze down to the nubbins! | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Demand for CHOICE Beef Strengthens | Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter 

Is AI Ready to Draft Your Farm Lease? | Farm Office 

Ohio Contemplating Temporary CAUV Changes | Farm Office 

OSU Extension Weather Extremes Committee and the State Climate Office of Ohio to Host Climate Smart: Farming with Weather Extremes Conference | Agronomic Crops Network 

Planning for the Future of Your Farm Workshops

OSU Extension will be hosting a virtual four part “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” webinar series on February 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This workshop is designed to help farm families learn strategies and tools to successfully create a succession and estate plan that helps you transfer your farm’s ownership, management, and assets to the next generation.

Topics discussed during this series include: Developing Goals for Estate and Succession; Planning for the Transition of Management; Planning for the Unexpected; Communication and Conflict Management during Farm Transfer; Legal Tools and Strategies; Developing Your Team; Getting Your Affairs in Order; and Selecting an Attorney.

The instructors for this series will be:
Robert Moore, Attorney with the OSU Agricultural & Resource Law Program. Prior to joining OSU, Robert was in private practice for 18 years where he provided legal counsel to farmers and landowners.
David Marrison, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Farm Management. David has worked for OSU Extension for 26 year and is nationally known for his teaching in farm succession. He has a unique ability to intertwine humor into speaking about the difficulties of passing the farm on to the next generation.

Because of its virtual nature, you can invite your parents, children, and/or grandchildren (regardless of where they live in Ohio or across the United States) to join you as you develop a plan for the future of your family farm. Pre registration is required so that one packet of program materials can be mailed in advance to participating families. Electronic copies of the course materials will also be available to all participants. The registration fee is $75 per farm family. The registration deadline is January 22, 2024. More information and on-line registration can be obtained at

Contact information: David Marrison, 740-722-6073 or

Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day Sep 27, Wooster, OH

What: Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day
When: September 27, 2023
Where: 1680 Madison Avenue Wooster, OH 44691
Cost: $50.00


  • In-field demonstrations of cultivation tools for vegetables and row crops
  • Demonstrations of implements on both four-wheel and two-wheel tractors
  • Expo featuring industry-leading cultivation companies and cutting edge tools
  • Conversations with international cultivation experts
  • …and more!

The field day connects farmers, machinery manufacturers, and the allied trades for a single day event that draws farmers from all over the US and Canada – because it is THE place to see weeding tools. The morning features a trade-show where companies can connect one-on-one with farmers, and educational sessions, and the afternoon features field demonstrations in vegetable and row crops.