The mandate of the CCIC Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics (MSP) Facility is to provide state-of-the-art instrumentation and personnel expertise for a wide variety of research projects for research groups both internal and external to Ohio State. Main areas of services we provide include i) proteomics, ii) metabolomics, and iii) general mass spec analyses. We also participate and provide support for grant applications and education. The Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility at CCIC is an interdisciplinary unit, serving researchers from colleges across Ohio State, including Arts and Sciences, Education & Human Ecology, Engineering, Food, Agriculture & Environmental Sciences, Mathematical & Physical Sciences, Medicine, Optometry, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Medicine. CCIC also serves scientists from other universities and industry within and outside of Ohio.
NIH RM1 Native MS Center
The Native Mass Spectrometry Guided Structural Biology Center (nMS→SB) was established in 2018 as a Biomedical Technology Research Resource (BTTR) with a 6.8M P41 grant from the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences. A 6.52M RM1 grant in 2023 converted the Biomedical Technology Research Resource (BTRR) to a national Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination (BTOD) Center, with the overarching goal of translating an integrated native mass spectrometry (nMS) workflow for characterization of macromolecular protein and nucleoprotein complexes to the biomedical research community. The tools provided for expert and non-expert users will allow them to integrate nMS approaches in synergy with other structural biology tools, taking advantage of nMS from project beginning to end, with dissemination through vendor partnerships and training. The Center works with investigators across the nation and globe on challenging biomedical projects ranging from HIV to anti-coronavirus immunogens and neurological disorders.
Wysocki Research Group
Research in the Wysocki group is separated into three broad areas: (1) determination of peptide dissociation mechanisms as a means for improving programs used for automated sequencing of peptides and proteins, (2) biomarker discovery for foreign organism detection, and disease diagnosis using proteomics methods, and (3) implementation of surface-induced dissociation into commercial time-of-flight instruments.
Research projects in progress address various fundamental and application-driven questions at different levels of biomolecules from peptides to large intact protein complexes, using mass spectrometry as a tool.
Badu Research Group
Research in the Badu-Tawiah group focuses on accelerated droplet chemistry, which allows fast reactivity for screening and analytical applications. His contributions span interfacial chemistry, microfluidics and biomedicine and have the capacity to revolutionize the field of chemical detection for applications including early diagnosis and public safety.
The Hummon Lab
Welcome to the Hummon Research Group at the Ohio State University. Our research interests lie at the intersection of analytical chemistry and chemical biology, with a focus on cancer biology. Cancer is a complex disease, requiring sophisticated and systematic strategies to deliver knowledge that will lead to improved treatment options for patients. Individuals trained in a wide range of scientific topics and possessing a substantial breadth of knowledge are best positioned to tackle this challenge.
We are part of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and The Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Ohio State University. Our research lab is located in the Biomedical Research Tower.
Additional groups
If you would like your research group to be listed here, please prepare a blurb and contact us.