Virtual Analytical Seminar – October 25th @ 4:10pm

Title: “Exhalomics – on-line medical diagnosis via mass spectrometric analysis of exhaled breath”

On-line breath analysis is a powerful approach to obtain insight into the metabolism of a person in real time. With ambient ionization methods, this can be achieved rapidly and completely non-invasively, opening up interesting possibilities to diagnose diseases via exhaled breath, to discern diurnal changes in the metabolism, and to monitor drug use (or drug abuse) by analyzing the chemical composition of exhaled breath.

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Date: October 25th, 2021
Time: 4:10pm
Zoom: To be provided

Don’t miss OMSMS 2019!

Please join us for the 3rd Annual Ohio Mass Spectrometry and Metabolomics Symposium (OMSMS) to be held at the Blackwell Inn and Pfahl Conference Center at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, on October 1-2, 2019.

  • Invited keynote and plenary presentations:
    • Connecting the World’s Mass Spectrometry Data to Understand the Chemistry of Life — a Big Data Strategy, Pieter Dorrestein, UCSD
    • Mass Spectrometry Imaging Applications to Support Clinical Decision Making, Nathalie Agar, Harvard Medical School
    • Harnessing Metabolomics to Combat Infectious Diseases, Ian Lewis, University of Calgary
    • The Exposome Meets Precision Nutrition, Susan Sumner, UNC
  • Introductory workshops in Metabolomics and Native Mass Spectrometry
  • Oral, poster and flash talk presentations (submitted abstracts)
  • Evening reception
  • Lunch and Learn sessions
  • Networking opportunities

REGISTER TODAY! Registration closes September 17

The purpose of the two-day joint meeting of the 16th Annual Ohio Mass Spectrometry Symposium and 3rd Annual Conference on Food and Nutritional Metabolomics is to provide an opportunity for academic and industrial researchers in the region to present their findings, share information, discuss research challenges with colleagues, and spark new collaborations in the rapidly advancing fields of mass spectrometry and metabolomics. Key topics will include Advanced Ionization Techniques and Instrumentation, Structural Biology, and Personalized Nutrition.

The symposium is planned and co-hosted by the OSU Campus Chemical Instrument Center, National Resource for Native MS-Guided Structural Biology, and the OSU Foods for Health program.

OMSMS is made possible with generous sponsorships from Center for Applied Plant Sciences (CAPS), Metabolon, Abbott, Agilent, Bruker, SCIEX, Waters, Thermo Fisher Scientific, 908 Devices, Advion, and Biocrates.

Visit for additional symposium information and links to registration.