About Me

My name is Katelyn Moreno and I am a first year pre civil engineering student at The Ohio State University expected to graduate in May 2022. I am a member of Humanitarian Engineering Scholars, Society of Women Engineers, and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.  I have a younger brother named Ben and two dogs and two cats.  I love beauty, art, and fashion and love exploring Columbus because of this.

My top five strengths are discipline, consistency, harmony, intellection, and input. Discipline is my top strength because I really enjoy routine and structure. I like to plan everything out to a tee and want to know as much as I can before I start every project. My second strength is consistency which goes well with discipline because like discipline I enjoy setting up clear rules and making sure they are well followed. My third strength is harmony. I hate conflict and try to avoid it as much as I possibly can. My fourth strength is intellection, which means that I am very inquisitive and enjoy learning new things. This is probably related to my discipline and consistency because I always want to know all the facts before approaching a new topic before I approach it. My fifth and final strength is input. I enjoy working in teams and learning how other approach the same problem I am.