Friday 2-4pm, Crane Cafe, Hagerty Hall: live Greek radio broadcast, graduation

On Friday from 2-4pm students, parents, and friends of the Modern Greek Program are invited for a party in Crane Café of Hagerty Hall on the Ohio State campus (parking next door in Ohio Union South Garage). This event features the final Greek radio broadcasts of the year by Emily Pandis, Yianni Kellis, Nikos Stamos, and Michael Pirovolos, broadcast live. Food will be catered by Mediterranean Foods Imports courtesy of the Greek Olympic Society and the OSU Modern Greek Program.

There will also be a brief ceremony to recognize our graduating seniors, Emily Pandis and Nick Kyriacou.

If you cannot attend, and would like to listen live, click here between 2-4pm on Friday.

For the event poster, please click here.

The schedule of broadcasts is as follows:

2μμ  Το Νεοελληνικό Πρόγραμμα: Συμβουλές και Χαβαλές με το Γιάννη Κέλλη και την Έμιλυ Πανδή
3μμ  Νίκος Στάμος–Γλυκιά ζωή–η δική μου εμπειρία με τον διαβήτη
3:30μμ  Μιχάλης Πύροβολος–ο Σύλλογος Παραδοσιακού Χορού του Αγίου Χαραλάμπου στο Κάντον, Οχάιο

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