On 19-21 March, I had the opportunity to participate in a great small conference – Big Data Future, held in the Moritz College of Law here at Ohio State. BDF was meant for social scientists and lawyers, as well as the public at large, to learn about Big Data and its societal context. It was sponsored by the OSU Law School and the Battelle Center for Science and Technology Policy in the John Glenn School of Public Policy here at OSU. It was excellent – great mix of people from academia (OSU, UCL, MIT), industry (Twitter, Microsoft, IBM) and government.
The opening keynote was given by Joel Gurin, Founder and Editor, OpenDataNow.com. You can read his take-home summary of the meeting here: [9 BIG LESSONS ABOUT BIG DATA]
The organizers will be providing archived video of the presentations and PDFs of slides (sometime soon) at the conference website: bigdatafuture.org