
[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


I am currently in an engineering fundamentals class. I have learned a lot so far in this class, but perhaps the most useful has been how to use excel. I still don’t have a great understanding, but I do know that it can be a very powerful tool for a lot of things, not just in this class. I have talked to several career engineers who have all offered help with learning excel and I am grateful for them. I have a feeling I will use this tool often in my life. Kind of a game changer not gonna lie. I learned that I’m a pretty good procrastinator, but not good enough to do it now. It has not really been working out now. I’ll need to change eventually. I will likely start working ahead like tomorrow. I have struggled in calculus. I took it in highschool and I did okay. It is not the same now. Much faster pace, and it just seems harder this time. Luckily I have friends that are smart, so that’s good. They are good at helping. I will probably get tutoring soon. But I might also elect to take it as a pass/ fail. I haven’t completely made up my mind on that part. Also I am kinda thinking about not going into engineering. Kinda considering environmental science instead. That’s kinda stressing me out, but i’ll figure it out soon enough. In terms of what I’ve achieved thus far: I’m not super sure. I have passed all my covid tests so far. I am treading water in physics, which is hard, but I am surviving.

About Me

My name’s Charles Meadows and I’m from Newark Ohio, about 40 minutes east of Columbus. I enjoy running, kayaking, playing guitar, and I especially love backpacking. I’m also an Eagle Scout and I played hockey in high school. I love watching the Blue Jackets, Browns, and Cav’s. I’ve been a buckeye since day one. During my time in scouts, I went on backpacking and canoeing trips. We did a few different stretches on the Appalachian Trail, and I loved every step of it. I want to through hike the whole thing at some point, not really sure when that will happen, but eventually. We canoed on the north shore of lake superior, and given the option I would go back right now. One of the coolest places I’ve been.

My intended major is environmental engineering, because I like science and math, mostly. The reason I joined the scholars program was because I love spending time outdoors and making new friends.Even if we can’t organize outside this year, I’m glad to have made some great friends already. I also have a passion for helping the environment and saving the planet. I care a lot about renewable energy, and reducing our carbon footprint in general. In that same vein, I feel very strongly about single use plastic and the bad that they cause for people, wildlife, and the energy they take up. They’re easy to eliminate, and I hope we’ll see them gone in our lifetime.

I guess for my short term academic goals, getting into the college of engineering is a good start. Providing that happens, I’ll likely look at going to grad school somewhere.

During my time in scouts, I went on backpacking and canoeing trips. We did a few different stretches on the Appalachian Trail, and i loved every step of it. I want to through hike the whole thing at some point, not really sure when that will happen, but eventually.