Career Plan

Charles Meadows

The requirements for this job basically are centered around getting a masters degree in engineering. Obviously you have to have a bachelor’s degree in some kind of engineering. Then you have to have experience as an engineering intern which could be started before completion of the bachelors degree. 1-3 years job experience would come after or during the completion of a masters degree. I was under the impression that most people who go to grad school have it paid for by their company. So presumably, the 1-3 years of job experience would come with the masters degree. As long as I do not do anything too stupid while driving, the drivers liscence requirment should be possible. The biggest requirement is a masters degree in environmental engineering. 


Job to-do list

  • Get good grades and be accepted into the college of engineering.
  • Keep getting good grades and graduate with an engineering degree
  • Apply for an engineering internship 
  • Make connections with everyone and shake as many hands as possible (wishful thinking here. Perhaps bumping elbows is more reasonable)
  • Look for and get into grad school. 
  • Gather 3 years of work experience 
  • Graduate with a masters degree in environmental engineering 


Getting good grades is the most important thing for me to do right now. No surprises here. My plan for getting good grades is to study hard and try to be successful. I use a planner to keep everything organized. I’ll ask for help when I need it, and I won’t fall behind. Then, in theory, I’ll be accepted to the school of engineering. From there I will continue to get good grades and apply for internships.  Assuming I graduate, I’ll then reach out to professors from schools that I’m interested in for grad school. These could be anywhere in the country, nothing is off limits. Then after I graduate, I can apply for the job.  I am interested in this job because the description sounds like something I would want to do as a career. I care about the environment, and I want to ensure that it is developed in a safe, sustainable way. There is much that can be done to reduce safety hazards in new architecture such as bridges, buildings, exc. I also want to make sure we are protecting the environment as much as possible when developing new land.

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