March Reflection

March was pretty good overall. In engineering fundamentals, I am learning how to 3D model things. I hated it at first, but as I have become slightly more fluent, I am learning to like it. It’s pretty satisfying looking back on the progress I have made. I used to struggle to navigate and use really any feature. But now I can quickly move around the software and use some of the tools. There is much more that I haven’t learned, but I’ve definitely made some progress. There are people on this earth who only have to sleep 2-3 hours per night. I learned that I am not one of them. I am not really sure why, but for the first half of the month, I did not sleep as much as I needed too. Nothing specific really happened to cause that, it just kinda happened. Anyways I am back to sleeping a healthier amount now, and it’s pretty cool. I guess you could say I struggled with sleeping enough this month. Maybe I had more work the first half of the month? Or maybe I just got used to all the classes in the second half?  Either way I’m not sure, but I am glad it’s fixed. I achieved surviving another month with the osu chem department. My grade is not thriving, but it’s hangin’ in there. We are still technically enrolled so I’m calling it a win. I actually really miss doing labs though. The two that I’ve done so far have been fun, I wish we could do more. Maybe that’s an unpopular opinion, but it is mine. I have one more and I am excited for it. I guess it has to do with gas collection. Looking forward to a great April to finish off the year.