
This trip was my first time leaving North America and it really exceeded expectations. I’m already ready to go back and explore even more of London and even the rest of the world. The city was the most incredible experience and it really allowed me to expand as a person. It is so diverse and can really teach you a lot if your open to accepting everything in the city. All of the sites and places we got to go and see really captures the intricacy of the past versus the present. Each place really made history come to life and shows how it effects the present, even after so long. I learned so much from this experience and I know I will take it with me for the rest of my life. Honestly, I really got to grow and coming back to the states I feel like I look at everything so differently. However, I really came to appreciate the experience of learning how to live in a city like London. I feel like it really gave me some more independence and allowed me to find a new since of freedom to find my own way. I know that I am definitely going to explore more study abroad options to continue my education by learning about other cultures.

Overall London

London is an exotic city filled with so much to do that it’s hard to get through everything in only a week. Going to all the normal tourist sites like Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Tower Bridge, Big Ben and riding a double decker red bus was honestly a magical experience and allowed us a fundamental understanding of London’s history made by the teamwork of the people who live there and the people that past through. Then, going through other famous religious sites like St. Paul’s, Westminster, Salisbury Cathedral, and a few other churches really encapsulated the religious impact on the country and explained the unity of religion and country that America doesn’t possess. All of this countered with the contemporary skyscrapers that are being built really capture the modernization of London and how it’s a city that makes waves and doesn’t get left behind. However, it was amazing to go through the everyday life of the people who live here with the markets, street art, and exploration of the city when you take a wrong turn. The London Undergroud system really gives you freedom to do everything you could imagine in the city. At the end of this trip I really feel like I understand London as a city and all of these experiences have made me love the city more.

London’s Street Art

Street Art and Graffiti are apart of all city life and having the opportunity to expand on some very famous pieces throughout the city of London was a magical experience. Banksy has been one of my favorite artists for a few years now and to get to see a few of his pieces or even a few spots he once had pieces was incredible. And I even got to find another new favorite artist in Bambi along the way. I also learned so much about street art, tagging and graffiti in general as it pertains to London. It was awesome to look at the juxtaposition of street art and the architecture it uses as a canvas. The new buildings and the old one each held an importance to the message the art had and emphasized the city life outside of what a regular tourist could ever imagine. It was also interesting to see the difference in areas the art was located in as well, from really wealthy and known areas to some unique markets. Each area gave a different purpose to the art and created one of a kind environments for it to be showcased. It was definitely a crazy way to experience art, but I found that I got to know the city of London a lot better by experiencing this.

Adventure to Stourhead

Stourhead was an absolutely amazing experience. Walking through that landscape completely made me forget that everything was deliberately placed but the it also made me consider everything that I could see in many ways by remembering that the placement of things had a purpose. My absolute favorite part was the Temple of Apollo, partially for the complete magnificence  of the building and partially because it’s the location of my favorite part of my favorite movie Pride and Prejudice. It was honestly amazing to be able to experience that area myself and it allowed me to establish many perspectives of the landscape. Specifically the use of the landscape and how many purposes it serves, there is the experience of walking through as a tourist, enjoying the day in a green area, and a movie set. Each provides unique uses for the landscape and establishes many bonds for people to connect to the landscape with.

Secrets of St. Paul’s

The first day in London brought us to the grand St. Paul’s Cathedral. As I was walking through and exploring the cathedral my intrigue was exploited when I got to the back of the apse. They had dedicated that area with a inscription to the American soldiers that lost their lives fighting in WWII. As an American, I was shocked that I didn’t know that our soldiers had this honor, especially with St. Paul’s being a very famous cathedral. It was really moving to find this and I decided to sketch the inscription so I would remember this secret about St. Paul’s as I look back on this experience.

The inscription at the back of the Apse

Ally’s Pre-Departure Post

Another week has flown by this year and suddenly I’m only hours away from stepping foot in London for the first time. It is honestly incredible that this trip, and spring break, is here. It seems like only yesterday I got into Ohio State and now I am about to depart on my first Study Abroad and finally see London, a city I’ve always dreamed of.

It is stressful packing for a trip like this. The weather has been changing frantically, so I’m hoping I was able to pack for every possibility. It was incredible as I was planning my outfits for the week that I am really going to wear them to see the amazing sites around the city, that I packed clothes I’m going to make amazing memories in.

I’m super excited to fly across the Atlantic for the first time. Honestly, I’m also nervous, but I still can’t wait for the experience of stepping off a long flight and knowing I made it to London, plus I love flying so it’s going to be fun.

I am so excited to experience London as every designer should, through sketching. It will be amazing to fill all the pages of buildings and experiences from each part of the city. I know that the sketchbook I bring will be one that I’ll hold close to my heart forever.

Now I have to figure out how to get some sleep before all the excitement starts tomorrow.

Ally’s Bio

Hello Everyone! My name is Ally Lammert and I am a first-year student majoring in Architecture and minoring in Arts Entrepreneurship. I was born and raised just 20 minutes north of campus in Westerville. So basically, I was born and raised to bleed scarlet and grey. It was always in the cards for me to end up at The Ohio State University to get my degree.

My hobbies are reading and drawing. I am constantly doodling or reading a book (and yes, I am the person who somehow reads multiple books at once). My two favorite places are unique bookstores and art shops, I can spend hours there. These hobbies of mine actually allowed me to find my passion for architecture when I was 9 years old. It sprung from my love of design, art, and literature that most of my life is centered around.

I have always wanted to visit London, so this is a dream come true for me to finally get to go. I can’t wait to finally experience the diverse architecture and culture of the city. I am so eager to do and see absolutely everything London has to offer and it’s because of this that I can’t choose what I’m most excited for! I hope to go see Oxford while on the trip. The University has always been an interest for me, so it will be amazing to finally get to see it in person.

I look forward to an amazing time in class and in London!