Lab Pictures

Lenz & Leuner 2023 Holiday Party: 16 Bit Barcade

SfN 2023: Michaela Breach poster gives poster presentation in Washington DC.

SfN 2023: Rachel Gilfarb (Leuner lab) gives poster presentation in Washington DC.

SfN 2023: Dr. Lenz gives mini-symposium talk on microglia in Washington DC.

2023 Autumn Undergraduate Research Festival: Madison Fankhauser poster presentation

Spring 2023: Faculty friends at NGP picnic

2023: Ale Zaleta Lastra wins travel award and presents poster at National Neurotrauma conference in Austin!

OSSD 2023: Courtney Dye wins a travel award and presents a poster in Calgary!

Lenz & Leuner end of year party: Spring 2022