Interview of a Non-Keurig User

What type of coffee maker do you currently use?

  • Ninja Automatic Drip Coffee Maker

How long have you used this type of coffee maker for?

  • 30+ years

What is it that you like about this type of coffee maker?

  • Likes that fact that she can use her own coffee in it (Italian Coffee that she special orders)
  • It is very quiet
  • It is fast (takes under 5 minutes to brew a pot of coffee)
  • Fits underneath the cabinets on the counter
  • Better for the environment

What do you not like about this type of coffee maker?

  • Don’t like that you have to fill it with water before you brew every pot
    • Wishes it was hooked up to the water system somehow
  • Don’t like putting the coffee into the filter, but willing to sacrifice in order to drink the coffee she wants
  • Does not like having to clean out the coffee pot 

What is your daily routine of making coffee like?

  • Preps at night
  • First, she throws away old coffee filter and rinses out the pot
  • Next, she puts a filter in and adds 3 scoops of coffee for a half a pot
  • Fills up the water tank
  • In the morning, presses the button to start coffee
  • Then takes shower
  • After shower, the coffee is ready to go
  • Then drinks about 24 ounces of coffee

What type of coffee do you use, and what is the typical cost of it?

  • Lavazza Coffee, around $8 per can 
  • This last about a week

Have you ever brewed and drank coffee using a pod style coffee maker (aka a Keurig)?

  • Yes
  • Used one at sisters house and at a hotel
  • Coffee tasted fine, and it was easy
  • Doesn’t like how it makes only 1 cup of coffee at a time

Have you ever considered using a pod style coffee maker on a daily basis? Why?

  • No
  • Pointless because it only makes 1 cup of coffee at a time
  • Heard that the pods are bad for environment
  • Keurigs are expensive
  • Likes her Italian coffee and it doesn’t come in a pod
  • Likes traditional way of making coffee

Do you know anyone that uses a pod-style coffee maker? Do you know why they use it?

  • Her sister
  • Teacher’s Lounge at work
    • Makes sense in the Teacher’s Lounge because it accommodates different types of coffee
    • Keurig is hooked up to water supply of building

What are the most important factors for you in terms of morning coffee?

  • Taste
  • Noise level- likes peace and quiet in morning
  • Speed
  • Ease of accessing filter is important
  • Ability to take out the water tank to fill it

Are there any possible improvements to the coffee making process that you wish could take place?

  • Wish the coffee would be brewed automatically
  • Would like water to be hooked up to lines for continuous supply, and would like coffee to automatically feed itself into machine and be ready every morning at a set time



Overall, this interview was very helpful to learn some of the major factors that users of non-Keurig coffee machines take into account when continually deciding to stay with their current coffee maker. The two main factors were not being able to use as wide of a variety of coffee in the Keurig, and not being able to brew multiple cups of coffee at one time. Both of these factors will be important to keep in mind as our team starts brainstorming solutions. Even for non-Keurig users, speed and convenience is of high importance, so our solutions must also encompass this fact.