Describe multiple other methods of making coffee, including the process and equipment used
- Three different methods were explored
- Automatic Drip Coffee
- Pour Over
- French Press
- Source:
Automatic Drip Coffee Method:
- Process:
- Grind coffee to a medium-fine particle size
- Place coffee filter in the filter basket
- Add one tablespoon of coffee to a paper filter for every 6 oz cup of coffee needed
- Add cold, filtered water to the reservoir; use 6 oz of water for every cup of coffee needed
- Press the start button to begin the brewing cycle
- Equipment/What is Needed:
- Coffee beans
- Automatic grinder to grind the coffee beans
- Paper filters
- Automatic drip coffee machine
- Measuring tools
- Water source
- Electrical outlet
- Source:
Pour Over Method:
- Process:
- Bring at least 20 oz of water to a boil
- Grind 30 grams (~3 tbsp) of coffee
- Place a filter in the dripper (white cup)
- Add the ground coffee to the filter in the dripper
- Place this setup on a cup/carafe (clear container with the handle in the image above)
- Start a timer. Begin pouring the hot water around the outer edge and in a circling motion, traverse towards the center. All of the coffee should be wet and the pour will take ~15 seconds. Wait 30 seconds until the next pour.
- Second pour. Start from the center, pour in a circling motion to the outer edge and the back to the center. After this, allow 45-65 seconds to elapse.
- When the mixture of water and coffee reaches the bottom of the filter, complete a third pour in the similar fashion as in step #7. It should take 15-20 seconds. Repeat this process again for a fourth pour.
- Equipment/What is Needed
- Stove
- Water source
- Kettle/ pot to boil the water
- Grinder
- Coffee beans
- Filter
- Dripper
- Cup/ Carafe
- Timer
- Source:
French Press Method
- Process:
- Remove and rinse the plunger with hot water. Also fill the glass pot and coffee cups with hot water and then dump out.
- Place 8 tbsp of coffee grounds into the bottom of the press
- Pour hot (not boiling) water into the glass pot, leaving about an 1 inch spacing from the top; stir the water and coffee mixture with a spoon
- Put the plunger back on top of the glass pot and turn the lid so it blocks the pour spout; do not lower the plunger → just let the coffee brew for 4 minutes
- Slowly lower the plunger to the bottom of the pot; once the plunger is all the way down, turn the lid to open the spout and pour
- Equipment/What is Needed:
- French press (pot, plunger, lid, etc.)
- Stove
- Kettle/pot for boiled water
- Water source
- Grinder + coffee beans or ground coffee
- Something to stir the coffee (spoon)