Interview 3


Interviewer: Madison Reynolds

Name: Suzanne Reynolds

Age: 57

Location: Rockland County, NY.

Coffee drinker?: Yes avid coffee drinker. Every morning, 1 or 2 cups.

K-Cup Use

Do you use K-cups? Why or why not? Yes because she has a Keurig machine and it’s easy to do a single cup.

If yes, please explain the process of using the product. Fill water in the tank. Stick the cup in the compartment, pull it down and press the button for cup size.

How often do you buy k-cups? / How many do you usually buy? 120 count from Costco every 2 months and online through Keurig, 24 count in a box and buys 4 boxes every 5 weeks.

How often do you use k-cups? Every morning.

Have you explored other methods for brewing coffee? Talk to me about your experiences. If not, why haven’t you? Would you be interested in exploring other options? Used to use the regular coffee maker with the grounds. Did not like using this because it took too much time. This is much more convenient and faster.

Please talk to me about your perspective of the environmental impact of k-cups. She knows it’s bad because it’s plastic.

What is most appealing about k-cups? Least? Easy process, but she does feel like it is a waste of plastic and that it can only be used that one time.

How do you dispose of your used k-cups? Why? I use it twice sometimes because this coffee maker can do different sizes, so she does 1 8 oz cup and then will turn it around and punch the hole in a different spot and does a smaller cup size. Throws in garbage after 2 uses.

Did your workplace use K-cups and a Keurig? Yes, they did and threw them in the garbage.

Recycling Habits

Do you recycle? Why or why not? Yes, because it is easy we have one bin for paper and one for glass, aluminum and plastic.

Are you familiar with what can and can’t be recycled? Have you taken steps to learn about what can and can’t be recycled? Why or why not? For the most part, yes. She did look at the town flyer that comes.

Do you clean your recycles before placing them in the bin? Why or why not? Some things. Sometimes cans she will rinse, if it’s a glass bottle probably not.

Do you separate your recycles? Why or why not? Separate into paper and then glass/aluminum/plastic.

In your opinion, are k-cups recyclable? No. I did kind of know you could take them apart, but I don’t because it’s too time consuming.

Comments: Could maybe make some sort of bag, like a tea bag that could be placed in water.