Relevant Stakeholders

Map out what you know so far 

The team created a mindmap on Miro to establish relevant stakeholders, in addition to the activities, context, processes/policies/regulations and tools/products/artifacts surronding them.

The team has established 14 relevant stakeholders found in the list below:

  1. Keurig
  2. Coffee Drinkers
  3. Manufacturers
  4. Environmentalists
  5. Recycling Centers
  6. EPA
  7. Competitors
  8. Future Generations
  9. Oceanic Creatures
  10. Stockholders
  11. Supply companies
  12. K-cup designers
  13. Material Science Engineers
  14. Employees 

The Miro Board explaining the details surronding each stakeholder can be found at this link or click “see the board” below to navigate: