Making Things Easy in Japan

I believe one of the reasons it was so much easier to adjust to traveling in Japan compared to other countries I have previously visited would be the convenience and how easy the Japanese have made tasks for others to complete. Everything feels as if it has been done with a purpose and each detail has been thought out before it is implemented. Many aspects of how food is prepared and served is very convenient and user friendly. Such as bento boxes that provide small portions of a variety of foods presented in a travel sized box to take on the go. I enjoyed trying different bento boxes when possible as no two boxes contained the same food. Additionally, the vending machines filled with ice cream or drinks are very convenient and easy to use. I observed that there were always bins right next to the machines to collect the used bottles.

Next, not only is the trash and recycling separated but they are split into different sections from there. The trash includes burnable and unburnable garbage. Whereas, the recyclables include PET bottles, cans, papers, etc. This allows for an easy waste disposal process when organizations have to sort through the trash. It also makes it simple for people throwing away trash to separate their garbage since it is written very clearly. 

Even when shopping, the experience was seamless and efficient. Everywhere I went the lines in shopping or convenience stores were very organized and straightforward. A story from one of my first shopping experiences, when I walked into one of the changing rooms in a store I was instructed to take off my shoes. Then, I walked in to see a little box of plastic slips. At first this confused me but then I learned that the masks were to cover your face to prevent makeup from getting on the clothes. I was impressed by how little of a task this was but likely very helpful to the staff and store. 

Lastly, I was pleasantly surprised by the heated toilets in most bathrooms. One of the toilets even had a tv on the side playing music videos. A majority of toilets I used also played small music to cover the noises of people using the bathroom. I also noticed that there were no toilet seat covers but there was always a small dispenser of toilet cleaning solution, which likely uses less amounts of paper compared to the toilet seat covers.

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