Artifact- The Beatles (and Abbey Road)

The Beatles were a British rock-band popular in the 1960s. Some have labeled them as one of the most influential rock acts of all time. The Beatles experienced especially huge success in American pop culture. While not their best-selling album, Abbey Road, generated arguably the most iconic cover art for a musical album and was still incredibly successful, staying at number one in album charts in the United States and in England for eleven and seventeen weeks respectively. More information about Abbey Road can be found at:

Growing up, music has always been a constant in my home. Whether it is hearing someone practice an instrument, or more often than not, hearing and singing to the radio, music has always just been there. My family listens to practically every genre available, and of course, many of the songs that we have listened to have been products of the Beatles. Through my upbringing, I have become acquainted with a number of songs by the Beatles. This has led my to have an understanding of the Beatles in a very large sense, but definitely not an understanding to the same extent as the understanding of the British people. The Beatles were big in the United States, but much bigger in their home country of England. While I have an idea of the impact of the Beatles, at least in the United States, I have no idea to how big they truly were, so it will be interesting to see if the Beatle’s are as popular across the pond as I am imaging.

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