Artifact- The Globe Theatre

The first Globe Theatre was created by William Shakespeare’s acting company around 1600 and constructed on near the River Thames in London. Shakespeare was an English writer who is regarded by many to be the greatest writer ever. The Globe was built as another, larger venue for Shakespeare to perform his works. More information about The Globe Theatre can be found:

The Globe Theatre is arguably the birthplace of modern theatre. In that building, Shakespeare performed a number of his most famous pieces, and also increased the popularity of theatre itself. It is incredibly difficult to find a play that was performed in a theatre prior to Shakespeare. I think that The Globe itself is a testament to the impact that Shakespeare had, not only on theatre and writing, but also on the country of England and even the world. Society still remembers William Shakespeare and his writings, despite the fact that William Shakespeare lived 400 years ago. To do this day, actors aspire to play parts in Shakespeare pieces and audiences flock to performances of his works. The remembrance of Shakespeare speaks significantly to the cultural and historical impact that William Shakespeare truly had. As a brother to two sisters who are heavily involved in high school theatre, I am able to see the wide impact that Shakespeare truly had.

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