Comment Library in SpeedGrader

Have you ever found yourself leaving the same comment over and over again when grading? SpeedGrader now has a function for that, called Comment Library. With a few clicks you can add a comment to the library and save it, and then pull that comment from the library for subsequent students. You can also enable Carmen to show comment suggestions while typing for an even faster option.

Comment Library is available for assignments, discussions, and quizzes, and can be found just above the comment box:

Screen shot of the comment library option within CarmenCanvas

SpeedGrader Video, 1 minute 40 seconds

SpeedGrader: Comment Library (2021-06-19 Release Screencast) from Instructure Canvas Community on Vimeo.

Final grades

Ready to calculate final grades? From IT@OSU, here’s what you need to know about final grades for spring 2021. And from the university Office of Academic Affairs, here is the grading policy for spring 2021 and summer 2021.

There are a few things to check before you finalize grades, and then you can manually enter final grades through the grade roster or transfer final grades to faculty center.

University academic advising information about grades, including the incomplete designation.

Something amiss, but you’ve already submitted the final grades? Here are the instructions to submit a grade change form online.