Setting up easy GO links and passwords for classes hosted on Zoom

This post written by Dr. Chris Taylor

As I’m prepping for the fall classes, one way to make this easier for the students is to set up a go link for your course.

  1. Set up your Zoom meeting ( with a recurring meeting.
  2. Establish an easy password for the course (GoBucks, Carmen, Brutus, WeAreHRS, MedDiet…)
  3. Copy the link to the meeting from the Zoom invitation

  1. Sign in to
  2. Create an easy shortcut for the Zoom invite link (MedDiet6300Au20)

  1. In the syllabus, state something like: courses will be hosted live on Zoom at  Password: apple


Editor’s note: You can also add a link to your Zoom meeting on your homepage in Carmen:

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