If you’ve received notice from the university’s Student Life Disabilities Service Office that one or more of your students requires extended time on quizzes and exams, there’s a function for that in CarmenCanvas. The ability to adjust the testing window per student is under Moderate Quiz, though that option only appears after you have published the quiz.
Before you publish the quiz, make sure the quiz has the Available From and Available Until dates that you want. By setting these dates, students cannot access the quiz early even though you’ve published it.
Once published, you’ll have the option to Moderate This Quiz appear on the far right when you select the quiz. Note, it is not under Edit, it’s just off to the side on the right.
On the moderate page, you’ll see a list of all enrolled students. Select the pencil icon for the student who needs extra time, and add the additional time in the dialogue box that appears. Note, you just need to add the additional time. In this example all students get 25 minutes, so I’ll add 13 minutes for a 1.5x extension.
One other note- if your restrict the quiz for all students to only be available from 8AM until 8:25AM on the same day, that restriction will override the extension you’re adding now, and that student will be shut out at 8:25AM without their extra time (ask me how I know 🙃).
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