Whether you are #New2OSU or have been teaching here for years, there’s lots to do to get your courses ready. The Teaching and Learning Resource Center has a Start of Term Checklist, which I have rearranged and added to for instructors-
- Start by logging in to the Carmen landing page, which is separate from your Carmen dashboard.
- Once logged in, you’ll need to create your courses. This step activates your course, and only instructors can see the content. You can (and should!) wait until you have the course built before you make it visible to students.
- If there are multiple sections to your course, you may wish to merge them. Use the Carmen support contact form to “Request to merge or split a Carmen course”. Your request may take a few days to process.
- If you have taught this course previously, you can copy content from another course to populate this one.
- If the course was previously taught by another instructor, ask them for help with course content. If that instructor has left OSU, contact our Carmen Affiliate for help.
- You may also want to use the HRS Carmen Course Template, as it comes with template pages and assignments from ODEE, and images specific to HRS.
- As needed, add other instructors or teaching assistants to your course using Manage Participants.
- Note, students enrolled in your course will be added automatically. Enrollments process overnight, so it may take a day for the student’s name to appear under the People tab.
- Before you publish your course, be sure to:
- Add your syllabus to the Syllabus page in Carmen.
- Hide navigation links for tools you are not using.
- Review the Carmen Common Sense Top 10 Tips.
- When you’re ready, publish your course to make it visible to students. Publishing a course means that students will be able to click on your course on the Carmen landing page or dashboard, and once they’re in your course, they will be able to see any content within the course that you have made visible to students.
- Use Student View anytime you want to see the course from the students’ perspective.
Need more? Check out the CarmenCanvas Instructional Guides. There are so many great guides, type Ctrl + F on Windows or Cmd + F on Mac to search the page for key words about what you want to do.