Today was our last clinical day! We started our day at 630 am at the Overholts for our usual breakfast. We then piled up in the vehicles and made our way to the automotive vocational school. The school provides kids who didn’t continue with their education an opportunity to learn skills for a future job in auto mechanics. We got the chance, along with the 12th grade IETI nursing students, to teach the vocational students CPR. I was impressed at how well the nursing students had retained what they had learned about CPR in the years past.
We then made our way to Apacilagua for our clinical day. The bus ride was a bit rough but thankfully we made it!
In women’s health we had Lara join Amy and I for the day in which she was able to see 10-12 patients. Although it was a light day patient wise, we were able to spend a lot of time with the patients and nursing students. We also gave out lots of little regalos to each patient in which they were greatly appreciative.
Afterwards we rushed back to the Overholts and unpacked all of the supplies and prepared it for next year. Today is my birthday 🙂 and we were able to eat dinner at El Torito, a steakhouse near our hotel. Food was amazing and I’m thankful that I got to spend my birthday with an amazing group of people.
We know, celebrating birthdays by the pool is a specialty of the Hotel that we did not know. But they have special packages designed for this.