Group Project

Group Movie Project


The topic of our group project is time management. The presentation includes introduction to time management, influences, and the solutions to bad time management.

Group Members:

Yuchun He

Zishu Ling

Mengran Shu

King Jin





4 thoughts on “Group Project

  1. Li, Yuchun
    The topic you choose is really interesting and useful. Time management is an important problem for a freshman to deal with. I’m not doing very well in this aspect, I often do not complete my homework until the last minute. Your group project reminded me of this problem well. But your video time is a little bit long, it would be better if it was shorter.

  2. Hey! I like your group’s video. Time management is highly related to our daily life and as students, we really need to aware bad time management habits and implement some of the tips to deal with that. Your group cooperates very well in this video.

  3. Hi Yuchun
    Time management is such an important project that I once missed an 8am class because I slept in. This will not only affect attendance, but also leave a bad psychological impression on the professor. So I now go to bed reminding myself what time I should get up the next day and what I should do when I get up. It really helps.

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