

Global Awareness- Being well-informed about current events is extremely important in order to be knowledgeable in any field.  For me, it is important to be aware of current events and issues for medicine.  This is why I joined a club called GlobeMed at OSU.  GlobeMed is a club focused on bringing equality in global healthcare.  Because of this, there is a large focus on medicine related issues in the world.  However, our discussions in GlobeMed are not just limited to the field of medicine.  We talk about other topics such as news and international/political issues.  I plan to stay active in GlobeMed this year and in following years.  Another thing I plan to do in order to increase my global awareness is join a cultural club.  Ohio State has an incredible amount of these clubs, and I plan on finding one that interests me and joining it.


Original Inquiry-  I consider research to be an essential part to receiving an education.  This is because while you learn information inside the classroom, research involves the application and real-world usage of this information.  I plan on starting research at OSU within my next 2 semesters and plan on doing so in an area that interests me.  This will give me experience in my area of interest along with exposure to unique ideas.


Academic Enrichment- The foundation of pursuing a career in any field begins with a strong academic base.  The better one’s academics look, the more options that are open with regards to career opportunities.  This is why I have challenged myself by taking pre-med.  Taking challenging courses are necessary in order to achieve my long term goal, which is sports medicine.  Taking challenging courses alone is not enough.  It is necessary to go above and beyond in order to succeed in these courses to maintain a high GPA.  I plan on following through with my pre-med courses as well as challenging myself with other courses that I take interest in with a priority set on achieving and maintaining a high GPA.


Leadership Development- I am currently on the finance committee for GlobeMed.  This committee is responsible for finding ways to raise money and manage the funds for the club.  We organize fundraisers, let club members know how they can help, and offer methods for efficiently spending funds.  I plan on serving on committees for future clubs that I join and perhaps even supervising a club I am passionate about.  I have also had experience leading groups of volunteers at my local food pantry.  This included showing people how to help clients and efficiently work with other volunteers.


Service Engagement- Up until the start of this semester, I volunteered at my local food pantry at home.  I dedicated about 3 hours each week to doing this and worked with a team of coordinators and volunteers to help people in need get food and other products.  At OSU, I plan on volunteering at the Wexner Medical Center starting next semester and continuing until I graduate.