A. User Manual


First, you will need access to the newest, hottest, and, truthfully, inspiring  product to break into the video game industry – the OSU Proteus. For a mere 400$, this device can be yours!

Once this amazing box of technology is in your grasp, make sure to install the program with the easy-to-read Proteus USB. Once the Brick Breaker game has downloaded onto your Proteus – done by inserting the USB with the program and turning the Proteus on and then off again – turn on the Proteus once more to have some fun!


As a new player, it is important to understand how to play this simple to learn, hard to master game. Use the DS Stylus, provided with every official Proteus, to click on the Instruction Manual button. This new page will describe how to play Brick Breaker, and some expectations to have going into this magical game.

Firstly, the goal of the game is to Destroy all of the bricks without letting the ball bounce past the paddle. The paddle is a wall that you, the player,  can move side-to-side with controls in the upper-right-corner of the screen. These buttons, labeled with ‘>‘ for right movement and ‘<‘ for left movement, can be touched with the DS Stylus to move the paddle! Every time a brick is destroyed or the paddle is hit by the ball, your score will increase by one point! Play with your friends and see who can get the most points!

Note: Do NOT hold the buttons to move. Due to limitations of the Proteus, this will cause the game to freeze the movement of the ball. Just keep tapping!

Now that you know what to do, here’s how to do it.

At the main menu, tap on ‘Play Game‘. This will bring you to the main page of the game. Tap on the left or right side to send the ball in that direction, and the game has begun! Now try and get up that score by breaking bricks! You can do it!

If you ever want to leave the game, simply click the ‘Quit’ button in the top left corner. This will take you back to the main menu, so feel free to play again!

You can also click the ‘Credits‘ button here if you would like to know more about the inspiration, creators, and work that went in to making the game.

We hope you enjoy our game!