E. Conclusions and Recommendations

Features that are not working

  • The speed of the ball does not increase as the game goes on
  • The bricks only break if they are hit from the bottom
  • There is only one level/difficulty to play on


  • To increase the speed, we’d either have to increase the amount of pixels the ball jumps per wait time, or decrease the wait time. Both of these are easily done, but the wait time can only be decreased so far, and the pixel jumps can only be so big before they start skipping over bricks entirely.
  • QT creator stopped working entirely for us about hallway through class on Tuesday, which prevented us from debugging our brick tests and getting the rest of the sides of the bricks coded. Since getting the rest of the sides coded would have been fairly quick since it would be mostly copy and paste, we may have also had time to add colors and better graphics to the game.
  • We were able to return to the main menu for a while, but it stopped working right before the end of the project. While I do not know what error was causing this, I believe a short reread of the code and a quick 5 minute debug would restore this functionality.

What would be done with more time

  • The ball would be able to bounce off the sides and tops of the bricks which would be done by copy paste and edit of the code for the bottoms of the bricks
  • Colors and graphics would be added to the main screen and game screen in the form of colored circles, rectangles, and backgrounds
  • The ball would speed up by increasing the pixel jump size and making sure the pixel jumps would line up with the tests for the bricks, or by decreasing the wait time by percentages so it could approach zero without ever reaching it.
  • Difficulties would be added by increasing some combination of the speed increases, brick numbers, and amount of hits to break a brick (this feature would include different colors for each number of hits done to a brick)