4-H Inclusion Representatives

We need your help.

Sign up today to be an Inclusion Representative!

Adults and youth (age 15 and up) are encouraged to sign up.

Some of you have already answered the call in previous conversations but, it’s time to get more serious about this process. Fill out the form below to indicate that you’d like to be an inclusion representative for Hamilton County 4-H.

What does an inclusion representative do?

1.) Attends a quarterly meeting with our 4-H Educator. (January 31, March 28, June 20, September 26 at 4:00PM, Location: TBD)

2.) Provides feedback on current policies and practices.

3.) Serves as a voice in the community for the good things that 4-H can do for all youth.

4.) Assists in identifying program opportunities, needs and funding opportunities.

5.) Volunteers as appropriate for events, lessons and programs focused on inclusion and diversity.

Sign up here!