The First Trip Abroad

Man, what an adventure I have experienced this past semester. London Honors was an experience quite unlike any other that I had ever heard of coming into college. Not only was the class entertaining and something to look forward to every Monday evening, but it was also a chance to study abroad in my very first semester of college, and it was really amazing.

London Honors really got me inducted into the life of a college student. The course work was not too intense and the professors and guest speakers were all very friendly and easy to talk to. This made it a little easier to go into office hours for other classes and talk to other professors. The discussion questions that we received from the various speakers we had also helped me to ask questions in other classes. It also enabled me to better speak in a group, since we went over the questions as a class in recitation.

London Honors was also a great first experience in the education abroad programs at Ohio State. I knew when I started searching for colleges that the only thing that I was certain of was studying abroad. No matter my major, or career of interest, I wanted to travel, to see the world and immerse myself in different cultures while I had easy access to it. We had speakers from the OIA department come in and just talk about travel abroad as a whole and I was able to gain great information on searching for different classes that I could take that may even pertain to my major!

As a person, London Honors helped me build some social skills that I desperately needed. We met every week not just in a lecture hall, but also in a recitation room where we were able to talk and get to know some of our peers that we would be traveling with. Even in while we were in London, this helped me. I was easily able to talk to some people that I did not know and even formed a group that I went out and did things with regularly. This benefited not only my experience in the class, but my college life as a whole.

London Honors was an amazing class that gave me so many skills for both college and life. I will never forget the experiences that I shared with both the faculty and my newfound friends.