Ohio Berry Field Night
Sheep Sheering School
Dr. Brady Campbell, Assistant Professor, OSU State Small Ruminant Extension Specialist
The Ohio State University departments of Animal Sciences and Extension are pleased to announce the dates of the 2024 Fall Statewide Ohio Sheep Shearing School to be held on September 20-21, 2024 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at the Dave Cable Farm in Hebron, Ohio (10491 Canal Rd., Hebron, OH 43025).
During this two day schooling event, attendees will be given the opportunity to learn how to properly shear a sheep using the Australian shearing method. Those in attendance will be taught by veteran shearers as they walk through each step and demonstrate how to properly position the sheep and shearing hand piece in the correct location. Attendees will also learn to appreciate fleece quality by ensuring that their work station is clear of debris and how to keep the animals fleece all in one piece. This shearing session is open to any and all sheep producers, regardless of your shearing experience. Even if you are an experienced shearer, you are bound to learn something new or to improve upon from the school! Who knows, maybe it could help you shear off a couple of seconds on each sheep that you shear.
Again this year, attendees will have the opportunity to try their hand at shearing using a variety of tools including electric hand pieces, drop shaft units, or an attendees personal equipment. We encourage everyone to bring their own shearing equipment as doing so will allow you to become more comfortable with the tools that you own. Additionally, questions about comb and cutter placement as well as maintenance will be discussed. Please note that class space is limited to the first 16 participants with registration due by Friday, September 13th. The cost to attend is $100 which includes a boxed lunch for each day. For those interested in participating in this years school, please be sure to fill out the registration form. Additional information regarding this school and other sheep related events can be found on our Events/Programs page.
As the sheep industry continues to maintain a strong foothold in the state of Ohio, new sheep shearers will be needed to ensure the longevity of our industries future. It’s up to you to help continue this legacy.
We look forward to seeing you there! Happy shearing!
Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter
The week of August 7th BEEF cattle newsletter https://u.osu.edu/beef/
Register now for the Ohio Floriculture & Nursery Conference
July 2024 Ohio State Fruit News
Ohio Fruit News
Ohio Fruit News (OFN) was developed by a team of The Ohio State University small fruit and tree fruit State Specialists, Extension Educators and staff, with support from The Ohio Vegetable and Small Fruit Research and Development Program and the Department of Plant Pathology-Fruit Pathology Program. Ohio Fruit News provides fruit growers with the most current and relevant information for managing diseases, insect pests and weeds affecting all fruit crops produced in Ohio. To subscribe to the newsletter please contact Dr. Melanie Ivey at ivey.14@osu.edu or 330-263-3849.
JULY_2024 Newsletter
– Mancozeb Proposed Interim Registration Review Decision (EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0291-Mancozeb PID)
Restoring Meadows Workshop
Join us on August 15, 2024, at the OSU Mansfield Campus for a class on restoring wet meadows. Hope to see you there!
Details and registration HERE.