Each year, our cohort of Global Leaders attends monthly dinners with professionals and leaders in various fields. Our future leaders are given the privilege to connect with experienced and successful entrepreneurs, faculty leaders, researchers and many more from all kinds of fields. We think a successful Global Leader should have the ability to connect with people from various backgrounds and that’s why we host these monthly dinners.
February 21st, 2022:
Thank you to Dr. Jenkins, Mr. Harris, and Prof. Kawa for joining us and for the great conversations!
November 15th, 2021:
Our November monthly dinner couldn’t have been a success without Chineze Okpalaoka and Fernando Unzueta!
October 18th, 2021:
This was our first (in-person) networking dinner in over a year and the cohort members were more than happy to not only dress up, but to engage with such distinguished guests. Thank you to our guests, Nadia Kasvin, Ana Lowe, and Esther Gottlieb for a great evening, and for intellectually stimulating conversations!

GLI Cohort with dinner guests Anna Lowe, Nadia Kasvin, and Esther Gottlieb (seated left to right)