New school year, new cohort.
Our GLI family is continuing to expand as we add a new group of cohort members.
This year’s cohort members are intelligent, vibrant, and conversationalists. Bonding with each other came naturally to them; there was no need to give them talking points. Their enthusiasm and willingness to learn definitely shows. We are confident that the bonds we will create this year will be lasting, just as they have been for previous cohorts.
We are excited to see how this year will unfold for us as we begin our weekly meetings, monthly dinners, projects, and social outings. Our plans for this school year are to continue to expose our cohort members to different experiences, give them an open and safe space for discussions, and create a platform for networking opportunities. We will also continue with our yearly project focused around a social issue. The cohort will be divided into six groups to create a project on the chosen topics: Mental Health, Feminism, Social Justice, Education, Immigration/Refugee, and Culture.
We cannot wait to see the fruition of these projects.
Here are some pictures from our very first meeting.