Year in Review

College has been an experience. The summer before we arrived, I spent the whole time dreading coming here. I didn’t want to be away from my pets, my family, my friends and everything that has always been familiar to me. However, I knew that this was an essential part for my growth. I had to leave my hometown so that I could learn what it was like to be on my own, something I knew I would have to be to achieve all I desire. I figured I would be extremely emotional, and that I might not become good friends with my room mate, and I found it all to be very scary.

And then, I was here. My parents left after move-in (and I’ll admit, I was a bit of a mess), but I told myself that I would see them soon. At that point, I knew I would be back in town in fourteen days. I told myself I could do anything, if only for fourteen days. That was my tactic for awhile, and besides the ache for home, college wasn’t so bad.

I enjoyed most of my classes, I made enough friends to be content, and Traci turned out to be one of my favorite people on campus — she probably is my favorite person campus. I ended first semester with a 4.0 and a desire to be home with my friends and family once more. My cat disappeared around Halloween, but no one told me until Fall Break, and that was probably the hardest thing about first semester.

Second semester came and I quickly realized my schedule was a little overwhelming, so I switched out some courses, and I am so happy I had. I’ve learned so much from my classes this semester, particularly Intro to Queer Study and Revolutionary and Napoleonic Europe. I’ve been offered a research opportunity, and I feel like I’ve become a more aware person. I pledge to become a WGSS double major, and I figured out I could do all of this in the next two years, and get out a year early.

All in all, OSU has been an experience. There was a time in which I thought I wouldn’t come back, where I thought I should maybe go to UC instead. It’s not that OSU is the terrible, but I don’t think it’s my ideal place. However, I don’t think that really matters. I know I can get what I need and get out in a decent amount of time here, and so I’m going to do that.