Accessing your personalized Curriculum Plan (CP) in Beacon
Nursing coursework is sequential in nature. Students are assigned to a specific curriculum plan that must be followed, and this plan is housed on the Beacon student portal. Students will be able to access Beacon after they have accepted their offer of admission, paid the deposit, and matriculated as an active student. This process can take several days after accepting the offer, so please allow some time before your login is active.
Speak with your Program Manager if you believe you may need to deviate from your assigned curriculum plan. Deviation from your curriculum plan without prior approval may cause a delay in the progression of your program.
The login for Beacon is “Name.#”- do not include “”
Intra-University Transfer
If you were admitted as a Graduate Intra-University Transfer, your acceptace will not be reflected on BuckeyLink and you will be unable to register for classes or access Beacon until you have been reactivated by the Graduate School. This process can take up to four weeks from the acceptance deadline. If you still cannot enroll after that time, please reach out to your Graduate Program Manager.
Enrollment Appointments
Students are assigned enrollment appointments that determine the date and time they can enroll in classes. Enrollment appointments for Autumn open the third week of March. You will not be able to enroll in classes until the date and time of your personal appointment.
To find your appointment date and time please log into your Buckeye Link Student Center; the appointment will appear on the right side of the page a week or two before it is scheduled to open. The appointment will not be visible until it is assigned, and the “details” link must be used to identify the time of day you can enroll.
Graduate Entry students should be enrolled no later than April 4.
Course Registration Overview
All 6000-level Graduate Entry pre-licensure classes and the specialty classes must be taken in a particular order and specific semester, as detailed on the student’s individual curriculum plan. The 7000 and 8000-level MS Core classes are offered more than once, and students are assigned to take each in a particular semester in order to maintain a balanced number of students in the sections throughout the year. Please refer to the Class Search (SIS) for the dates and times these courses are offered. ( > Course & Class Information > Search Schedule of Classes)
Students enroll in classes using the BuckeyeLink Student Center. If you need help registering for classes, please visit the Graduate School’s resource page for step-by-step instructions for how to enroll in your courses.
Summer Semester
The courses you will take during the summer semester are listed below. All GE students will take these 6000-level pre-licensure classes.
Nursing 6100
Nursing 6410
Nursing 6420
Autumn Semester
Starting in autumn semester GE students will begin to incorporate the 7000 and 8000-level master’s classes into the curriculum. These courses will vary according to the student’s specialty. The three classes all GE students are required to take will be:
Nursing 6270
Nursing 6430
Nursing 7450- campus section only; GE may not take the online section
In addition, Nurse-Midwifery students only will take Nursing 6480 in their first autumn semester.
Why are there 8000-DNP classes on my plan?
Several of the 7000-level MS Core classes have been updated to meet the new AACN Essentials and are now 8000-level classes taught under the Nursing Practice (DNP) heading. These classes are part of the MS in Nursing program and are correctly listed on your curriculum plan.
On Campus vs Online Courses
Graduate Entry students are admitted to the campus cohort. Pathophysiology (N7450) and Advanced Health Assessment (N7410) are required to be on-campus.
Specialty coursework may be online or on campus. If the specialty course is offered both online and campus, GE will take the campus section. If the specialty course is only offered online, GE will take the online section. For a list of your specialty coursework please refer to the MS in Nursing Handbook. Please note the online section may not be an option as many seats are reserved for our online specialty students.
Mode of Instruction
There are on-campus classes and online classes offered through the College. The on-campus class will have a time & day as well as a room listed. Online classes will say “TBA” or “online” for the location for the class to indicate it is virtual. Online classes may be offered in synchronous or asynchronous formats; both are considered online.
An online synchronous class has a time & day listed, in addition to no classroom (“TBA” or “online”), meaning you log into the virtual classroom during a specific time & day and participate in the class.
An online asynchronous class has NO time & day listed (“TBA”) in addition to no classroom (“TBA” or “online”), meaning you log into the course whenever you want and complete the work, meeting all deadlines.
Account Holds
If you have a hold of any kind on your account, you will be unable to register for classes. Hold information may be found on your Buckeyelink main page, in the top right of the page. If you have a note indicating you have a hold, you may click the “details” link for additional information. Clicking the hyperlinks will tell you the reason for the hold and which office you must contact in order to resolve the issue.
The most common reason why you may have a hold on your account is that you are required by the university to complete a “Financial Responsibility Statement” each term of enrollment. Agreeing to the statement will release the hold. Please check your Student Center to complete any requirements prior to registering for classes.
Please see the top of the page regarding admissions timelines and access to the systems for applicants and Inter-University Transfers.