Ways to Get Involved

Graduate Entry Student Representative

A call for student representatives will be sent out each year in August for the upcoming academic year. The responsibilities of the student representatives include attending Graduate Studies Committee, collecting information from fellow students, bringing those issues to the meetings, and reporting business and resolutions back to your peers.  The student representatives are active participants in the business of the GSC and subcommittee as we consider curricular and program issues.

“The Beat” Student Newsletter

All students are automatically added to receive The Beat, our College of Nursing student newsletter. You will receive this every Friday during the school year and once a month over the summer. We will share important dates/deadlines, upcoming events, employment opportunities and more. If you are interested in more information about The Beat, please email con-thebeat@osu.edu.

Student Organizations

When it comes to building relationships, discovering passions and making the most out of your time at The Ohio State University, the best thing you can do is get involved with student organizations on campus.

The College of Nursing helps support nursing centric student organizations. Explore those student organization here.

Watch the videos


Watch the video below and learn how a Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) membership will help you grow throughout your career. We believe you’ll truly benefit from the opportunities membership brings—and that, ultimately, nursing will benefit too.

Office of Community Outreach and Engagement

The OCOE provides resources and support for all student community work, including funding community projects through the Student and Student Organization Grant Program. Now using GivePulse, this office also works to connect students with volunteer opportunities. GivePulse is a civic engagement platform that connects and documents community engagement for students through promotion, registration, initiation, discussion, and evaluation. You can reach the College of Nursing GivePulse page here. For more information about the Office of Community Outreach and Engagement, please visit their webpage here.