Mash Up


This is the complete version of my Mash Up project.
This is an up-close view of only the illustration within my Mash Up project.

Project Statement

This project explored 3D isometric drawing techniques through the creation and illustration of a mash-up word. My mash-word was “Hungrip”, a combination of the words hungry and clip. The meaning behind my word is quite literal; a hungry clip. More specifically, though, it describes the instance where an individual puts a claw clip within their hair and it starts pulling or eating it. Using a digital sketchbook program, I drew my word in a 3D manner and then placed it within an illustration of an individual’s back profile. To further push its meaning, I created a recall advertisement and put my entire composition within it to demonstrate how my word was essentially a claw clip gone bad. I used a cool-toned color palette with greys, blues, and browns so that the word would stand out and look trendy like actual claw clips do.


View detailed project process at Mash Up: Process


I had a very fun time creating this project. Drawing and illustration are things I’ve always admired but have never been good at doing. Making my mash-up word helped me to practice those skills and realize I can’t say that anymore. It was challenging initially but the digital format allowed me to make changes very quickly and move things around if they didn’t look how I wanted them to. Unfortunately, I don’t love the end product as much as I thought because it’s too wordy. While being wordy is a common feature within a product recall ad, I think the large number of words takes away from the overall effect of the illustration. The irony behind them is funny but in the future, this will be something I try to avoid. Besides that, this was a great project to end the semester because it strengthened my digital drawing skills, taught me a lot about shading in order to make 2D objects look 3D, and showed me how to use an illustration to convey the meaning behind a word.