Blended Learning in Education

Moving content and teaching into a digital format has become a driving force in education. This movement can take many forms, including blended learning. A blended approach is currently a growing trend through processes such as “flipping” the classroom. In a blended and flipped approach, a portion of the course content is delivered to students outside of the classroom in a digital format. This delivery then opens up class time for hands-on activities, discussion and application of the materials.

The groups, Digital Learning Now!, Getting Smart, and The Leaning Accelerator, have come together to create a comprehensive look at why there is movement towards blended learning and how to implement this type of instruction in a Blended Learning Implementation Guide. For visual reinforcement the groups have also created an infographic entitled How to Implement Blended Learning.

The group highlights 10 drivers of the movement to digitizing content and blended learning:

Blended Learning Drivers

These drivers have led many institutions to move towards digitizing content. It is important to have a plan in mind and a process developed when moving to a digital format. If no process is developed the content and student education can suffer. This process should start with the development of learning goals. These goals should address the desired student learning for the content and the process should determine the best way to deliver this content.

Blended Learning Process

If you would like to learn more about how digital content can be used in your course and if a blended approach is right for you, please contact the Fisher ITS Helpdesk.


Bailey et. al. (2013, Sept.). Blended Learning Implantation Guide. Retrieved from

Bailey et. al. (2013, Sept.). How to Implement Blended Learning Version 2.0. Retrieved from

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