

First Mondays is a monthly lunchtime meeting designed to help assistant professors succeed by exposing them to non-technical issues, university and college resources, career development opportunities, and to facilitate communication and networking within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

Goals & Objectives

The goal of First Mondays is to facilitate and foster personal and programmatic success in assistant professors.

As a result of taking part in this program, participants will:

  • Have an enhanced awareness of factors that contribute to personal and career success.
  • Be aware of and have interacted with key programs, services, and facilities that can positively impact and accelerate personal, professional and career development.
  • Have a network of colleagues for collaboration, coaching, information sharing, and community building.

First Mondays will:

  • Provide information on OSU financial, physical and human resources that contribute to faculty success.
  • Introduce faculty to concepts of leadership and personal and professional development.
  • Introduce faculty to factors that lead to successful faculty and faculty-led programs.
  • Facilitate communication and networking among faculty
  • Introduce faculty to state, regional, national and international issues of the day that can impact personal and programmatic outcomes.

Format & Materials

First Mondays will be held on the first Monday of each month, with Columbus and Wooster locations video linked. Announcements will be sent prior to each session with lunch provided for all participants responding to the announcement.

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