After you’ve set up a GitHub repository and learned how to commit changes, there are some things you need to do in order when working with the Proteus Template.
Updating .gitignore
The .gitignore file contains a list of files and directories that you don’t want Git to keep track of for you. Examples of such files you may want to include are executables and binaries (e.g. .o and .d files), Mac or Windows-specific files (e.g. .DS_Store), and external code libraries which you aren’t maintaining (e.g. fehproteusfirmware).
In the following steps, you’ll be updating your .gitignore file to include the mentioned files with special emphasis on the fehproteusfirmware directory.
- Run
make clean
ormingw32-make clean
in the VS Code terminal to remove .o, .d, and .exe files and delete the fehproteusfirmware directory - Create a file called .gitignore if you don’t already have one.
- In theĀ .gitignore file add the bolded text as separate lines
- fehproteusfirmware/ (this will include the Proteus Libraries)
- *.o (this will include all files that end with .o)
- *.d (this will include all files that end with .d)
- *.exe (this will include all files that end with .exe)
- .DS_Store (add this if any team member has a Mac)
- Commit and push the changes.
- Run
in the VS Code terminal to recreate the fehproteusfirmware directory and build your Proteus Project
By completing the above steps, you are now ready to start developing for the FEH Proteus while using Git for version control!