
back to Icon


This function is used to set the properties of an icon.


.SetProperties(char name[20], int start_x, int start_y, int w, int h, unsigned int c, unsigned int tc);


name[20]: character string to be label of icon
start_x: integer pixel position in x direction for the top left corner of icon (min 0, max 319)
start_y: integer pixel position in y direction for the top left corner of icon (min 0, max 239)
w: integer pixel width for icon
h: integer pixel height for icon
c: color designation for border of icon (see LCDColors.h)
tc: color designation for text of icon label (see LCDColors.h)




#include <FEHLCD.h>

int main(void)
    // declare a single icon called software_button
    FEHIcon::Icon software_button;

    // set its parameters with "BUTTON" as the label,
    // top left corner at 120,80 and size 80 by 80,
    // and make the border scarlet and the text gray
    software_button.SetProperties("BUTTON", 120, 80, 80, 80, SCARLET, GRAY);

    // draw the icon