

The FEHAccel library provides a global Accelerometer object that you can use to measure the forces acting on the Proteus. Since the Accelerometer object is global, there is no need to declare a variable of type FEHAccel; that is already done for you. Simply use the Accelerometer object to access the FEHAccel member functions. The accelerometer returns and supports up to 2 G’s of force.

The accelerometers on certain Protei have begun to degrade and may not work.  To check if your current Proteus has a working accelerometer, make sure to check the function isEnabled() first before reading the X, Y, and Z values or you will just get all zeroes.  Due to the depreciating nature of the accelerometers, the functionality is offered as-is, and you may use it on your own accord.

Accelerometer Reference

Global Objects


Global Object Member Functions

double X();

double Y();

double Z();

bool isEnabled();

Global Functions


Available Object Types
