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This functions is required to configure your Proteus to “listen in” on a specific course region. When beginning a run that requires RCS data, use this function near the top of your main program (before you begin any important robot code). The teamKey parameter is a 9 character string that is unique to your team. This key will be communicated to the RCS system to identify your team on the scoring computer. When this function is called, it will bring up a LCD screen that allows you to select which region you wish to test on (A-H). Use the touch screen to select the appropriate course. It will then ask you to confirm your choice. This will begin configuration of the Xbee (a wireless receiver) connected to your Proteus. Once complete, this function will verify that it can receive data from the RCS, and then exit.

Note:Always ensure you’re connecting to the correct region you intend to use. Confirm that there are no other Protei connected to that region at the moment. If you connect to the wrong region, your run might not be recorded if another Proteus is already active there. You can check the connected team on the RCS screen, and also on the scoring screen once the run has commenced.


team_key: A unique string that identifies your team to the RCS system. This should be provided by your professor.




#include <FEHIO.h>
#include <FEHRCS.h>

int main(void)
    //initialize the RPS

    //Begin program code here