Team Meeting Notes

Meeting 1 (Nov. 1)

  • location- 18th street library
  • Purpose- decide what games our group is choosing to do, and finish assigned groupwork
    • The group decides that we will do a 4 point game and a two point game to attempt to get the maximum extra credit points, but we are still undecided about whether or not we are planning on doing the paperwork for both of the games.

Meeting 2 (Nov. 8)

  • location- 18th street library
  • Purpose- Divy out the work/plan of attack, and finish assigned groupwork
    •  The group decided to play to the strengths of the members. The best coders (Shad and Phillip) would be doing the majority of the coding of the two games with the other two members (Tommy and Garrett) helping with whatever is necessary. In addition the primary coders wouldn’t be asked to do the lion’s share of the notebook in an attempt to balance the workload.

Meeting 3 (Nov. 15)

  • location- The C Store
  • purpose- One last meeting to make sure that everyone was on the same page and knew the plan of attack
    • The group decided to switch the two point game from Memory to Hangman.
    • The coding was on track to be done by the assigned due date.

Team Working Agreement


Team Working Agreement

Term  Autumn 2019

Creation 11/6/2019


1) Group Identification (Q)

Lab section # –

Table # – Q

Instructor – Busick



Team member info:

Thomas Thaxton .36
Phillip Jarisch .1
Garrett Morgan .1519
Akshad Ramnath .22


2) Primary Means of Communication and Expectations


State your team’s agreed upon various means of communication and expectations for response.


All members are expected to respond in the group snapchat when a question or statement pertaining to them is asked. Always communicate and try to not leave the chat on read


3) Scheduling of Meetings (Schedule at least one meeting as part of constructing your team agreement.)


Agreed upon means of scheduling meetings.


(Example: Team will agree, at the end of each class, to set any meetings times and agenda needed before the next class and beyond if possible. Team members will take turns to send out a reminder of the meeting with an agenda within eight hours after the class.)


Example Agenda Format

Team Name:

Meeting Schedule:

Date: Fridays Time: 12:30 Location: library on 18th

Participating members (If not all.):




4) General Responsibilities for All Team Members


This element of the team working agreement is the list of rules/agreements or the contract that all members agrees to live by.


  • Stay on task during meeting time.
  • Divide the work fairly and be sure that everyone participates equally.
  • Complete assigned tasks on time.
  • Be on time to all meetings, and notify other team members ahead of time in case of absence from a meeting.
  • Discuss any problems as they arise.
  • Ensure that all team members have a copy of the finished report.
  • Ensure that all team members understand all of the concepts and information presented in the report.
  • See also Figure 4.05 of reading assignment in Lieu and Sorby Engineering Design, Chapter 4.


5) Specific Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines (Optional)


This section may be used to record specific tasks or responsibilities particular team members have assumed.


Thomas Thaxton:

  • Coding
  • Making sure deadlines are met
  • Memory Algorithm
  • Introduction , Conclusion, in charge of report
  • Welcome page

Akshad Ramnath

  • coding of Hangman
  • Othello Algorithm

Garrett Morgan

  • Discussion for both
  • Working on the notebook
  • sales pitch
  • coding

Phillip Jarisch

  • coding of Othello
  • helping when asked for notebook


6) Conflict Resolution


Each team should have a pre-agreed approach to addressing issues that may arise.


Example statement: When there are problems within our group pertaining to the general responsibilities or specific responsibilities, the following steps will be taken in this order until a resolution is found.

  1. Discuss problems within the group to come to a working solution, trying to make sure all members have opportunity to participate in the discussion.
  2. Hold a team discussion of the problem with a GTA or Professor to find a solution.
  3. If 1 and 2 fail, ask a GTA or Professor to make a decision (arbitrate).


7) Expectations of Faculty and GTA’s



If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues.


8) Team Signatures


Signature for each student is to be included.


Thomas Thaxton

Phillip Jarisch

Garrett Morgan

Akshad Ramnath


Be sure that all team members receive a copy of this agreement. Please turn in a printed copy, signed by all members, to your TA as per the DAL.